QMG Recognized as an Axonics Center of Excellence

November 30, 2023

Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) has been des­ig­nat­ed an Axon­ics Cen­ter of Excel­lence by Axon­ics Inc. The des­ig­na­tion rec­og­nizes the QMG Urol­o­gy team and specif­i­cal­ly Matthew Knud­son, MD, for his exper­tise with Axon­ics Ther­a­py and sin­cere com­mit­ment to chang­ing the lives of patients suf­fer­ing from blad­der and bow­el dysfunction.

Today, mil­lions of Amer­i­cans suf­fer from over­ac­tive blad­der and fecal incon­ti­nence. Axon­ics Ther­a­py gen­tly stim­u­lates the sacral nerve (sacral neu­ro­mod­u­la­tion), restor­ing nor­mal com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the brain and the blad­der. Axon­ics Ther­a­py has been clin­i­cal­ly proven to pro­vide rapid and long-last­ing relief of symp­toms asso­ci­at­ed with blad­der and bow­el dysfunction.

In a clin­i­cal study, 129 patients with urgency incon­ti­nence were treat­ed with Axon­ics Ther­a­py. At 2‑years, 93% of patients had suc­cess­ful ther­a­py and 94% of patients were sat­is­fied with their therapy.

The Axon­ics Cen­ter of Excel­lence pro­gram rec­og­nizes high­ly trained and expe­ri­enced physi­cians (typ­i­cal­ly urol­o­gists, urog­y­ne­col­o­gists, and col­orec­tal sur­geons) and clin­i­cal prac­tices that are com­mit­ted to patient edu­ca­tion and pro­vid­ing exem­plary care to achieve opti­mal clin­i­cal out­comes and patient satisfaction.

Quin­cy Med­ical Group is proud to be rec­og­nized as a Cen­ter of Excel­lence. Axon­ics Ther­a­py has shown remark­able promise in restor­ing qual­i­ty of life for patients fac­ing blad­der and bow­el dys­func­tion. This des­ig­na­tion reflects the tire­less efforts of our team to pro­vide the best care pos­si­ble,” said Dr. Knudson.

To learn more about Axon­ics Ther­a­py at QMG, con­tact the QMG Urol­o­gy team at (217) 222‑6550, ext. 3894.