QMG Now Providing the Latest in Bone Health Assessment

September 22, 2022

QUIN­CY, IL – Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) has expand­ed its health and well­ness ser­vices avail­able to men and women with the addi­tion of the Hori­zon™ bone den­sit­o­m­e­try sys­tem from Holog­ic. The tech­nol­o­gy allows for enhanced imag­ing and capa­bil­i­ty to detect and treat osteoporosis.

Osteo­poro­sis affects mil­lions of women and men world­wide. Osteo­poro­sis (which means porous bones”), is a dis­ease that weak­ens bones, and if you have it, you are at a greater risk for sud­den and unex­pect­ed bone fractures.

Osteo­poro­sis is often diag­nosed with a bone den­si­ty test, as well as with a com­pre­hen­sive phys­i­cal exam and oth­er lab tests. With the new tech­nol­o­gy, the QMG care team can now cal­cu­late a patient’s Tra­bec­u­lar Bone Score (TBS). TBS has been shown to com­ple­ment bone den­si­ty test­ing and to pro­vide more infor­ma­tion that can improve how health care providers diag­nose and treat patients.

QMG Endocri­nol­o­gist Dr. Dustin Hig­gins shared, His­tor­i­cal­ly, pre­dict­ing risk of bone frac­ture (break­age) has been lim­it­ed to the bone den­si­ty, as well as a few oth­er fac­tors, like whether or not some­one smokes, whether low bone den­si­ty runs in the fam­i­ly, etc. Now, we will have an addi­tion­al mea­sure­ment to help us pre­dict a person’s risk of frac­ture called the TBS.”

Hig­gins explained that TBS pro­vides infor­ma­tion about the inter­nal strength of the bone and can help dis­tin­guish why the bones are thinned, while bone den­si­ty tells more about the exter­nal part of the bone.

TBS will allow us to iden­ti­fy more patients who are at risk of bone frac­ture than we knew before. This will save more peo­ple from hav­ing painful and debil­i­tat­ing bone frac­tures than before with DXA alone.”

For more infor­ma­tion on Endocrinol­o­gy care at QMG, vis­it https://​quin​cymed​group​.com/​m​e​d​i​c​a​l​-​s​e​r​v​i​c​e​s​/​e​n​d​o​c​r​i​n​o​logy/.