Quincy Medical Group Foundation Offers “Beyond the Battle” Gift Boxes to Support Local Cancer Patients

December 09, 2020

The Beyond Shop inside the Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) Can­cer Insti­tute is an inti­mate space that pro­vides non-med­ical sup­port items to patients under­go­ing can­cer treat­ment. The QMG Can­cer Insti­tute is an all-inclu­sive can­cer care facil­i­ty with a mis­sion to serve patients, remind­ing them that they are beyond their diag­no­sis. The Beyond Shop was named in that hon­or and is fund­ed by gen­er­ous dona­tions and the QMG Foun­da­tion. The Beyond Shop is a space ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing the phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, and spir­i­tu­al needs of all patients. From the selec­tions of head cov­er­ings and hair­pieces to com­fort prod­ucts like lotions, creams, and blan­kets, the Beyond Shop serves to encour­age and sup­port patients before, dur­ing, and after their oncol­o­gy journey.

The QMG Foun­da­tion is intro­duc­ing a new way to help fund the Beyond Shop while also giv­ing sup­port and encour­age­ment to oncol­o­gy patients with the pur­chase of a Beyond the Bat­tle” gift box. The Beyond the Bat­tle” gift box is a cus­tomized gift that pro­vides oncol­o­gy patients with a vari­ety of care items as well as com­fort­ing and encour­ag­ing gifts to offer sup­port for any­one dur­ing their can­cer journey.

QMG Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions Spe­cial­ist Mor­gan Park­er said, Any­one can order a cus­tomized gift box for a loved one who is fac­ing their brave bat­tle with can­cer. The gift box­es include items like cozy socks, jour­nals for keep­ing track of care plan infor­ma­tion or for emo­tion­al sup­port, bracelets with inspir­ing mes­sages, spe­cial­ized skin­care prod­ucts known to sup­port oncol­o­gy patients, and oth­er inspi­ra­tional items.”

Beyond the Bat­tle” gift box­es can be pur­chased by any­one and for any­one as they can be cus­tomized for patients under­go­ing care at the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute or shipped to any­one direct­ly. Gift box­es allow pur­chasers to leave a mes­sage with encour­ag­ing words, a prayer, or a kind thought which will be placed on the inside of the box for a patient to read upon opening.

Now more than ever our patients need to know they aren’t alone in this bat­tle. Pro­vid­ing a box of tan­gi­ble items that will sup­port our patients is one way that you can make an impact on their jour­ney dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son,” shared Parker.

To pur­chase a Beyond the Bat­tle” box or to make a dona­tion, vis­it qmg​foun​da​tion​shop​.com/​b​e​y​o​n​d​-​t​h​e​-​b​attle.