QMG Announces Opening of Milk Depot for Infants in Need

August 03, 2022

QUIN­CY, IL – In part­ner­ship with the Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes, Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) is open­ing a new milk depot. The milk depot will be locat­ed at QMG Women’s Health Cen­ter locat­ed on the sec­ond floor of QMG’s 1118 Hamp­shire St location.

The milk depot pro­vides a place for pre-approved donors from Quin­cy and sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties to drop off their extra breast­milk to help babies who need it. The donat­ed milk is trans­port­ed to the Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes, where it is pas­teur­ized to elim­i­nate any virus­es and bac­te­ria. After pas­teur­iza­tion, the milk is test­ed once again for safe­ty before distribution.

Jin­nie Hog­garth, Rela­tion­ship Man­ag­er at Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes, shared, We aim to serve the entire state of Illi­nois by pro­vid­ing access to life-sav­ing donor milk. By estab­lish­ing a milk depot with Quin­cy Med­ical Group, we can reach fam­i­lies in an expand­ed ser­vice area, which direct­ly increas­es our milk supply.”

When moth­ers are unable to pro­duce enough breast milk for their babies, donor milk can pro­vide the impor­tant nutri­ents for babies to grow and thrive. The addi­tion of the milk depot at QMG helps make it pos­si­ble and con­ve­nient for area moth­ers with extra milk to help infants in need.

Our team here at QMG is com­mit­ted to the health and care of women and infants. We are hon­ored to part­ner with Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes to pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty for local women to give the gift of donor milk,” said QMG Obstetrician/​Gynecologist Katy Wand, MD.

Most of the pas­teur­ized donor human milk dis­pensed by Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes is deliv­ered to Illi­nois and Wis­con­sin hos­pi­tals for use pri­mar­i­ly in the NICU or Moth­er Baby Unit. Donor milk is dis­trib­uted to the most at-risk babies and can be life­sav­ing for preterm infants in pro­tect­ing babies against life-threat­en­ing diseases.

Inter­est­ed donors can get start­ed by going online at https://​www​.milk​bankwgl​.org/.The Moth­ers’ Milk Bank of the West­ern Great Lakes pro­vides detailed infor­ma­tion on how to get start­ed. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it https://​quin​cymed​group​.com/​m​i​l​k​depot​.