Moments that Matter Wish Granting Fund Expanding

June 24, 2019

Last year, the Moments that Mat­ter Fund was intro­duced to the com­mu­ni­ty. Moments that Mat­ter was devel­oped to grant buck­et list wish­es for hos­pice patients. As a result of the gen­eros­i­ty of the com­mu­ni­ty, over 30 patients have had ful­filled wish­es such as fam­i­ly pho­tog­ra­phy, Fri­day night fish fry, trol­ley ride, pon­toon boat ride with close friends, after­noon at the sym­pho­ny, enchro­ma glass­es to see col­or, fam­i­ly reunion meal, the­atre per­for­mance, St. Louis zoo, Car­di­nals sta­di­um tour and trip to Des­tin, FL beach­es. The enor­mous sup­port and growth for the Fund has allowed it to expand its para­me­ters to begin grant­i­ng wish­es for ter­mi­nal­ly ill patients beyond a hos­pice qual­i­fi­ca­tion to include seri­ous ill­ness­es or oth­er major life-alter­ing circumstances.

Moments that Mat­ter Founder Lau­ra Ten­house said, Almost imme­di­ate­ly after grant­i­ng our first wish, I saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to expand the fund to patients beyond the hos­pice pro­gram. As Moments that Mat­ter wish­es have been cre­at­ed and ful­filled, we have wit­nessed a rip­ple effect as the impact spreads from the patient to the fam­i­ly and to every­one who helped make each wish a real­i­ty. We are so excit­ed to announce that we’ll be tran­si­tion­ing the fund to the Quin­cy Med­ical Group Health­care Foun­da­tion where we’ll be able to grow it expo­nen­tial­ly to sup­port more patients in our community”.

All funds cur­rent­ly in the Moments that Mat­ter Fund will tran­si­tion to the Quin­cy Med­ical Group Health­care Foun­da­tion and con­tin­ue to be used as intend­ed by our gen­er­ous donors. Ten­house con­tin­ued, I have been so hon­ored to be a part of these jour­neys with patients and fam­i­lies and the fact that we’ll be able to expand that to more patients so seam­less­ly is such a gift.”

Ten­house recent­ly became the Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions for Quin­cy Med­ical Group and saw that tran­si­tion as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the two worlds togeth­er. QMG CEO Car­ol Brock­miller said, I was per­son­al­ly a part of a Moments that Mat­ter wish and attend­ed the Steak Eat­ing Chal­lenge fundrais­er last fall – we start­ed talk­ing then about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of expand­ing the pro­gram through the sup­port of the QMG Foun­da­tion and I am thrilled to see it com­ing together.”

Details for Moments that Mat­ter wish nom­i­na­tions and a new web­site will be announced short­ly. You can learn more about Moments that Mat­ter by vis­it­ing face​book​.com/​Q​M​G​m​o​m​e​n​t​s​t​h​a​t​m​atter or email­ing Lau­ra Ten­house at qmghealthcarefoundation@​quincymedgroup.​com.