Dropless Cataract Surgery Enhances Patient Experience

June 17, 2021

Cataracts are very com­mon, espe­cial­ly as you age. A cataract is the lens in your eye that becomes cloudy caus­ing symp­toms, which include blurred vision, reduced night vision with glare and/​or haloes from lights, and need­ing more light to read.

If you expe­ri­ence any of these symp­toms, cataracts may be to blame. Cataract surgery will treat the con­di­tion, restor­ing sight that has grad­u­al­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ed over time.

Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) Oph­thal­mol­o­gist Dr. Abram Geisendor­fer is one of five board-cer­ti­fied physi­cians at QMG Eye & Vision Insti­tute who per­form eye surgery. Since 2016, QMG has offered Drop­less Cataract Surgery, trans­form­ing cataract surgery for area patients.

Before Drop­less Cataract Surgery, tra­di­tion­al cataract surgery would require patients to adhere to an eye drop sched­ule that includes sev­er­al types of drops used for three to four weeks. With Drop­less Cataract Surgery, a ster­ile, com­pound­ed for­mu­la­tion of antibi­otics and anti-inflam­ma­to­ry med­ica­tion is pain­less­ly deposit­ed in the back of the eye (the vit­re­ous). The time-released deliv­ery of the drugs helps pre­vent infec­tion and inflam­ma­tion dur­ing the recov­ery period.

Dr. Geisendor­fer said the pro­ce­dure offers many ben­e­fits to patients, the biggest being with post­op­er­a­tive care.

Post­op­er­a­tive care is much eas­i­er as it elim­i­nates the bur­den of using eye drops through­out the day,” he explained. Some­times it can be dif­fi­cult to admin­is­ter eye drops, espe­cial­ly for peo­ple with arthri­tis or oth­er conditions.”

Most impor­tant­ly, Dr. Geisendor­fer said Drop­less Cataract Surgery enhances the patient’s over­all experience.

Offer­ing Drop­less Cataract Surgery local­ly helps us reach the ulti­mate goal for our patients — bet­ter vision with­out com­pli­ca­tions and a pos­i­tive patient expe­ri­ence,” he shared.

QMG Eye & Vision Insti­tute offers the most up-to-date tech­nol­o­gy and lens­es avail­able to patients. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it qmgeyes​.com or call (217) 222-EYES.