Dr. Arvin Abueg joins Quincy Medical Group

December 11, 2018

After start­ing his career in a big city, Dr. Arvin Abueg finds the small com­mu­ni­ty set­ting a breath of fresh air.” He first prac­ticed in the area in 2010 mov­ing here from Brook­lyn, New York. He returns to the area as a Fam­i­ly Prac­tice physi­cian for Quin­cy Med­ical Group prac­tic­ing at our Can­ton and Keokuk clinics.

When I first moved back here, I thought the move was a big dif­fer­ence for the bet­ter because I could relate to patients. I could talk to them. Back in New York, patients were just a num­ber because there are so many. You don’t real­ly devel­op that rela­tion­ship with patients to be able to take care of them prop­er­ly. Here you can.”

Those rela­tion­ships start with con­nec­tions with patients. As a Fam­i­ly Prac­tice provider, Dr. Abueg feels he has a unique and spe­cial role in the lives of fam­i­lies, and it’s impor­tant for him to take time with each patient. When I vis­it with a patient, it’s real­ly a vis­it. It’s not I’m the physi­cian, and you’re the patient. It’s a vis­it. Tell me about your fam­i­ly, I’ll tell you about mine. Let’s estab­lish a healthy rela­tion­ship, and as a result, we’ll be able to com­mu­ni­cate better.”

Dr. Abueg received his Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence degree in Psy­chol­o­gy from the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Philip­pines, Que­zon City, Philip­pines, and his med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Philip­pines, Philip­pines. He com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in Fam­i­ly Med­i­cine at The Brook­lyn Hos­pi­tal Cen­ter in Brook­lyn, NY, where he served as Chief Res­i­dent. Dr. Abueg enjoys spend­ing time with his fam­i­ly. He and his wife have a son, and they enjoy trav­el­ing and food.

To sched­ule an appoint­ment with Dr. Arvin Abueg, call (573) 288‑5949. Learn more about Dr. Abueg here.