Cataract Surgery Simplified

December 28, 2016

Quin­cy Med­ical Group is pleased to announce that Dr. Abram Geisendor­fer, Dr. Eric Sieck, and Dr. Robert Weller are now offer­ing a new treat­ment option for patients under­go­ing cataract surgery that reduces or elim­i­nates the need for cost­ly pre­scrip­tion eye drops. The time-released med­ica­tion admin­is­tered dur­ing surgery pro­vides con­ve­nience and cost-sav­ings for patients, while alle­vi­at­ing com­pli­ance con­cerns for practitioners.

While patient out­comes and sat­is­fac­tion are high fol­low­ing cataract surgery, the post-oper­a­tive eye drop reg­i­men is often the most dif­fi­cult aspect of the pro­ce­dure. In addi­tion to the need to fol­low a strict dos­ing sched­ule, eye drops often cost hun­dreds of dol­lars, result­ing in finan­cial bur­den. Drop­less Cataract Surgery may reduce or elim­i­nate the high cost of pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions rou­tine­ly pre­scribed, while pro­vid­ing a sim­pler, less com­plex recovery.

Tra­di­tion­al­ly, patients who under­go cataract surgery must adhere to an eye drop sched­ule that includes sev­er­al types of drops used for three to four weeks. These drops reduce the risk of inflam­ma­tion and infec­tion, and are a crit­i­cal part of ensur­ing suc­cess­ful out­comes. How­ev­er, com­pli­ca­tions arise when cataract patients miss a sched­uled dose, are phys­i­cal­ly unable to instill the drops, have to rely on the avail­abil­i­ty of a care­giv­er to admin­is­ter the drops or when the high cost pre­cludes the pur­chase of the pre­scribed drops.

Dur­ing Drop­less Cataract Surgery, a ster­ile, com­pound­ed for­mu­la­tion of antibi­otics and anti-inflam­ma­to­ry med­ica­tion is deposit­ed in the back of the eye (the vit­re­ous). The time-released deliv­ery of the drugs helps fight infec­tion and inflam­ma­tion dur­ing the recov­ery peri­od. Admin­is­ter­ing the med­ica­tion at the time of surgery elim­i­nates con­cerns about patient com­pli­ance asso­ci­at­ed with the tra­di­tion­al eye drop regimen.

The intro­duc­tion of this impor­tant treat­ment option helps us reach the ulti­mate goal for our patients – bet­ter vision with­out com­pli­ca­tions and a pos­i­tive patient expe­ri­ence,” said Quin­cy Med­ical Group Oph­thal­mol­o­gist, Dr. Abram Geisendorfer.

For more infor­ma­tion on Drop­less Cataract Surgery or to sched­ule an appoint­ment for a cataract eval­u­a­tion, please call 217−222−6550, ext. 3860