Thank You for Choosing QMG Surgery Center
We understand preparing for surgery can be stressful. As you get ready for your procedure, you may have many questions. Please discuss any concerns or questions you have with your doctors or your healthcare team.
Below you’ll find some helpful information to prepare for your surgery or procedure. Between three to five days before your surgery or procedure, you’ll receive a screening phone call from our nurse. Our nurse will review your medical history, remind you of specific preparations you’ll need to take, and answer any questions.
Before Your Surgery
Transportation and Caregiver
You must have someone, a trust caregiver, accompany you after your surgery or procedure. Please arrange to have a family member or trusted friend drive you to and from the Surgery Center. Your trusted caregiver will also speak to your physician about your results and care instructions. This individual may be required to stay with you for 24 hours. Please confirm this with your surgeon at your preoperative appointment.
Your physician may give you a prescription for an antibiotic before your surgery to help prevent infection. You may also be prescribed medication to help manage pain after surgery. Be sure to fill any prescriptions before surgery and follow directions as prescribed.
Food, Drink, and Tobacco
Your physician will let you know how long you should go without eating or drinking before your surgery. Do not drink alcohol or use tobacco for at least 24 hours before your surgery.
Pediatric Patients and Other Children in the Home
A legal guardian must be in the Surgery Center at all times for children. If you have young children at home for whom you normally care for, plan for someone else to care for them for at least the first 24 hours following your surgery or their sibling’s surgery.
Advanced Directive Notice
In an advance directive (or medical power of attorney), the patient may provide guidance as to his/her wishes in certain situations, or may delegate decision making to another individual as permitted by state law. It is the policy of this facility to initiate resuscitative measures when any life-threatening situation arises and treat patients with life sustaining measures and prepare patients for immediate transfer to an acute care hospital for further diagnostic evaluation. On transfer, a copy of the advance directive will be sent with the patient.
Notify the Surgery Center and Your Surgeon If:
- You have an elevated temperature, cough, cold, vomiting, or diarrhea between your last visit to the surgeon and the day of your surgery.
- You suspect you may be pregnant.
- You are taking: diet pills, aspirin, ibuprofen, blood thinners, or certain herbal medicines. You may need to stop taking these 1 – 2 weeks before your surgery. You can discuss this with your surgeon at your preoperative appointment.
The Day of Your Surgery
Please make every effort to arrive on time for your appointment. Our goal is to minimize every patient’s wait time prior to surgery. Please follow all instructions provided by your surgeon at your pre-op appointment. Below you will find some helpful reminders and information.
Before You Arrive at the Surgery Center
- Do not eat or drink after midnight before your procedure, except for a small sip of water with the medications you were instructed to take the day of the procedure.
- You may take a shower or bath.
- Do not shave the area where you will have surgery. If hair needs to be removed from the operating site, your care team will do this on the day of the surgery.
- Do not use make-up, hair spray, or toiletries, as these may affect anesthesia monitoring.
- You do not need to remove nail polish or artificial coverings prior to your surgical case; however, on the day of surgery if we are unable to effectively monitor anesthesia prior to and during the surgical case you may be at risk of needing to remove polish or nail coverings the day of. We will do our best to utilize alternative modalities during your stay with us to avoid this situation from occurring.
- When brushing teeth, please do not swallow or ingest any water.
- Please remove all jewelry and leave all valuables at home.
- Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, including low-heeled comfortable shoes. Shirts or blouses with buttons in front are usually best.
- When you arrive, we will provide you with a surgical gown (if applicable).
Please bring the following items to the QMG Surgery Center:
- Insurance cards
- Driver’s license
- Medicare or medical-assistance information
- Medication list
- Co-payment, if required
- You may wear or bring your glasses, hearing aids and dentures – bring their cases too
- Any items provided by your surgeon for postoperative recovery (e.g., bra, sling, durable medical equipment, walking devices, medications, and eye glasses kit)
- Any notes or questions you may have from your preoperative screening
- Children may bring a favorite stuffed animal or toy, blanket, electronic entertainment device
- Parents of pediatric patients should bring a packed diaper bag
- Your trusted caregiver/driver should bring their cell phone to your surgery so they can leave the waiting room if time allows
At the Surgery Center
On the day of your surgery, enter through the main entrance located on the east side of the building (the entrance facing Pappo’s Pizza). You will proceed up the escalators/elevators, turn east on the second floor, and check-in at reception. Once you check-in for your surgery or procedure, you will receive an ID band. Parents of pediatric patients will receive one to match their child.
- A member of our healthcare team will escort you and a family member to your pre-op room when it is available.
- Pediatric patients may have both parents in the pre-op area.
- Elderly patients may have their spouse and one adult child in the pre-op area.
- All other patients may have one visitor in the pre-op area.
Once in the pre-op area a nurse will do a head-to-toe assessment including:
- Updated height and weight.
- Female patients (who have started their menstrual cycle) will stop by the restroom and provide a urine specimen to determine if pregnant.
- Diabetic patients will receive a glucose check.
When Your Assessment is Complete
- You will be provided with a gown (if applicable) and a warm blanket.
- You will be asked to remove glasses, hearing aids, all body piercings, including those not visual to the eye. All jewelry is removed to prevent electrical burn injury.
- Your surgeon will visit, mark the surgical site, and answer any additional questions you have.
- You will meet with your anesthesia professional, who will provide you with a brief description of anesthesia/sedation you will receive for your surgery or procedure, review your health history, and do a nerve block at this time (if applicable).
- Once ready for the operation, a registered nurse and the anesthesia professional will take you back to the procedure or operating room.
- Your support person will be escorted back to the waiting room. In addition to complimentary coffee, tea, and water, vending machines with snacks and drinks are also available.
- Your support person will be provided instructions for the patient tracker board to view your progress in surgery.
Recovery & Follow-Up Care
Gastroenterology patients will wake up in the procedure room, then return to their pre-op room to recover. Your support person will be asked to remain in your pre-op room for the entire duration. A registered nurse will monitor you, take vital signs every 15 minutes, and provide a drink and snack. All discharge instructions and after-care education will be provided.
All other patients will wake up in the recovery room. A registered nurse will monitor you and take vital signs every 15 minutes. Once you are able to sit up in a chair, you will be given a drink and snack and your support person will be brought back to the recovery room. All discharge instructions and after-care education will be provided.
Any pain and nausea experienced immediately after surgery will be monitored and managed by your recovery nurse prior to discharge.
Your incision (if you received one) will be cleaned and dressed (bandaged) after surgery. Care for your incision will be reviewed by your nurse before discharge.
Leaving the Surgery Center
- You will receive a folder will information specific to your surgery and all after-care education that your nurse reviews with you.
- Following your procedure or surgery, you will be escorted by a staff member to the south entrance to leave through a private exit. Your support person will be able to drive up to the door to assist you into the vehicle.
- If biopsies were taken, expect results to be called or mailed within 10 – 14 days. If you do not receive results in that timeframe, please call your physician.
GASTROENTEROLOGY PATIENTS should notify their physician if they experience any of the following:
- Fever of 100˚ F or higher
- Vomiting blood, experience chest pain, tightness, or have difficulty swallowing
- Severe abdominal (belly) pain
- Excessive bleeding from the rectum (more than a small amount on the tissue or paper in the toilet bowl)
- Notice any redness, heat, swelling, or red streaks at the IV site
ALL OTHER SURGERY PATIENTS should notify their physician if they experience any of the following:
- Fever of 100˚ F or higher
- Redness, swelling, or tenderness at surgical or IV site
- Pus or foul odor from the surgical site(s)
- Persistent, increasing pain not relieved by medication
- Persistent, increasing nausea or vomiting after 24 hours
- Excessive drainage or bleeding from the surgical site(s)
Follow-Up Care
Most follow-up appointments will be made during your preoperative appointment; however, if it was not, one will be scheduled by your discharge nurse. You will have a follow-up appointment noted on your discharge paperwork.
You will receive a follow-up phone call from a surgery center nurse within three days of discharge to discuss your visit, any concerns, or questions you may have. You may call your surgeon’s office at any time for questions and/or concerns. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
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