Doctors Joseph P. Newton, DO, RMSK and Theresa M. Newton, DVM, DO, RMSK provide over 20 years of experience in regenerative medicine and have met rigorous credentialing demonstrating expertise fundamental to musculoskeletal ultrasonography, a skill critical to the practice of RIT for MSK applications.

What is Regenerative Injection Therapy?

Regenerative Injection Therapy (RIT) is a minimally invasive procedure that stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanism in order to repair injured tissue. Prolotherapy, platelet-rich plasma or stem cell injections are all forms of RIT.

RIT is useful for neck, shoulder, upper and lower back, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain.

Conditions Treated Include:

  • Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Muscle and Tendon Tears
  • Osteoarthritis (shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, hands and feet)
  • Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow
  • Ligament Injuries
  • Achilles Tendon Injuries
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • TMJ Pain

The Science Behind RIT

All forms of regenerative medicine for musculoskeletal applications help to create a micro-environment at the site of injury that is conducive to tissue repair. The means by which this is achieved varies, based on the treatment method that has been chosen for each patient’s condition.

Types of RIT


A recognized form of orthopedic medicine to strengthen ligamentous and tendinous insertions in order to promote greater joint stability. This form of treatment can also be used intra-articularly to encourage greater capsular tissue strength. New collagen growth occurs by injecting a proliferative solution, such as dextrose and lidocaine, at the site of the original injury, creating a mild new inflammatory cycle which is allowed to progress and stimulate the growth of new collagen. This collagen is not a scar, but is pristine, new collagen produced by the fibroblasts that are activated by the injection process.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Is a treatment method which involves the collection of the patient’s whole blood followed by centrifugation. This produces a plasma sample with platelet concentrations several times more than baseline blood values. Platelets are rich in growth factors that promote healing by releasing chemical mediators that influence cell migration and proliferation that aid in the regeneration of the tissue environment into which they are injected. Learn More >>

Stem Cell Injections

Bone marrow derived stem cells are directly delivered to the injured site. These cells have the potential to produce new tissue that is native to the environment. All forms of regenerative medicine have common features. Stem cells, in some ways, also work in a similar fashion to prolotherapy and PRP injection. However, bone marrow derived stem cells can differentiate into various types of tissue at the site of injection helping to aid in healing tissue. Case studies have shown promising outcomes for osteoarthritis specifically regarding pain scores and improved function.

Which RIT should I choose?

Prolotherapy is often a good choice to start and assess your response. It is also recommended for larger areas that need attention, such as the sacroiliac region or spine. Prolotherapy is often all that is necessary for a chronic injury to get the signal to go forward with the healing process.

PRP injection is often recommended for soft tissue tendinous injuries involving the rotator cuff, elbow, achilles, gluteal region or hamstrings. PRP is also an excellent intra-articular choice. At times it is advantageous to perform prolotherapy in conjunction with PRP or stem cell injections.

Stem cell injection is a consideration especially for osteoarthritic joints and treating degenerative conditions. Stem cell treatment, like other forms of RIT, shows definite promise and case studies show improved function and decreased pain in treated patients.

RIT is a very promising method for treating musculoskeletal pain. It is important to note that at this time it is usually not a covered procedure by insurance companies.

A Comprehensive Approach