This is a common question asked by many parents. Healthcare providers use multiple tools and techniques to check for a concussion. There is no one perfect diagnostic tool. Clinicians rely on objective tools as well as clinical expertise and symptom reporting to help determine whether a patient has a concussion.

How are Concussions Diagnosed? Learn from some athletes.

They may use any of the following tools to help make a concussion diagnosis:

  • Clinical examination
  • Neurocognitive testing (memory, reaction time, etc.)
  • Balance testing
  • Vestibular ocular testing
  • Symptom inventories

It’s a common myth that you shouldn’t sleep after a concussion. In fact, sleep can help your brain get the rest it needs after a concussion, especially in the first 24 hours. As long as you don’t present danger signs, you can sleep.

Danger signs can include dilated pupils, slurred speech, worsening headaches, confusion, or loss of consciousness. If they do show some of these signs, you may want to go to the emergency department for a physical examination.

What should I do if I think my child has a concussion?

Sports Concussion Clinic

QMG’s Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Department offers a free concussion clinic to area athletes injured during a game or practice.

Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Located on the first floor of the 1118 Hampshire St. Building

If you think your child has experienced a concussion outside of school athletics you can give us a call at 217-222-2663 for an appointment.

Information provided by ImPACT Baseline Test.