Injectables are popular ways to naturally enhance your beauty with minimal to no downtime. These treatments can help to soften fine lines and wrinkles, create a smoother appearance, and help restore your skin to a healthy, youthful appearance.

Botox®, Dysport®, & Xeomin®

Injectable treatments such as Botox®, Dysport®, and Xeomin® work by relaxing the muscles responsible for causing unsightly wrinkles. Treatments are quick, extremely safe, and virtually painless. The effects are noticeable within one week and can last up to 6 months. These treatments can be used for forehead lines, frown lines between eyebrows, top of the nose wrinkles (bunny lines), eyebrow lifting/hooded eyes, crow’s feet, gummy smiles, lipstick lines around mouth, chin dimples, facial slimming, jawlines, neck bands, and TMJ and teeth grinding.

Botox Before and After


Kybella® is an effective, noninvasive treatment to help improve the appearance and profile of stubborn double chins. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella® helps destroy the fat cells, making it an excellent alternative to plastic surgery or liposuction. Most people see improvement after 2 to 4 treatments.

Kybella Before and After Nikki
Kybella Before and After Marina
Kybella Before and After Andy


Sculptra® is a poly-L-lactic acid-based treatment used to treat shallow to deep wrinkles and folds in the lower face and cheek area. It works deep beneath the skin by stimulating collagen production to help restore your skin’s inner structure and restore the volume to hollow areas. The gradual replacement of lost collagen helps you regain a plump, youthful appearance.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP is an effective therapy for hair thinning and hair loss. It involves taking a small amount of the patient’s own blood and processing it so that only the nutrient and growth-factor rich platelets and plasma remain. This liquid is then injected directly into areas of hair loss, usually requiring a series of three monthly treatments to stimulate natural hair regrowth.

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