HIPAA Privacy Practices & Forms
Your Information. Your Rights. Our Responsibilities.
Nothing is more important than ensuring your privacy. At Quincy Medical Group, we understand that your privacy is vitally important. As your medical provider, we take proactive measures to safeguard your information. We understand that with each office visit, you are placing your trust in us. We will make every effort to ensure this trust is not breached, and that your privacy is protected.
This Notice was developed to provide you with information regarding your rights to privacy and confidentiality. It contains our policies regarding privacy according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules and regulations. We encourage you to read this information thoroughly so that you are fully informed about our policies and procedures. We welcome any questions you may have regarding this information.
Patient Amendment Requests
You have the right to request a change or amendment to your protected health information Quincy Medical Group maintains in your medical record. To exercise your right to request an amendment, please complete the form below.
Patient Amendment Request Form
Patient Requested Restriction
You have the right to request restrictions as to how your protected health information (PHI) may be used and/or disclosed to carry out payment. To exercise your right to request a restriction on the disclosure of your PHI, please complete the below form.
Patient Requested Restriction Form
Care Everywhere Opt-Out
Quincy Medical Group participates in Epic’s Care Everywhere to share your medical record via secure, encrypted connections. This enables your treating provider(s) to access your health information when you are receiving care outside of Quincy Medical Group. This information shared includes your medical history, previous diagnoses, test results (i.e. labs and imaging), current medications, allergies, and progress notes. This connection allows for real-time access without having to wait for records to be transferred between facilities.
You may opt-out if you do not want your record shared with your treating provider(s) through Care Everywhere. If you opt out, you also have the right to opt back in at any time. To opt out of Care Everywhere, please complete the below form.