Senior's Health

Caring for Aging Eyes


As we age, vision changes like need­ing glass­es more often or adjust­ing set­tings on devices become com­mon. How­ev­er, age-relat­ed eye con­di­tions like cataracts, dry eye, mac­u­lar degen­er­a­tion, glau­co­ma, and dia­bet­ic retinopa­thy can cause more seri­ous issues. While these con­di­tions can’t always be pre­vent­ed, main­tain­ing a healthy lifestyle, man­ag­ing con­di­tions like dia­betes, and hav­ing reg­u­lar eye exams can help pro­tect your vision. Ear­ly diag­no­sis and treat­ment options, includ­ing surgery and med­ica­tions, can slow or pre­vent severe vision loss. Reg­u­lar eye exams are impor­tant, espe­cial­ly as you age.