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Men’s Health Tips: Questions to Ask Yourself
By Urology
Focusing on preventive care can help you live a longer and happier, healthier life. Annual visits are a time to talk with your provider about recommended screenings, family history, and any concerns. It’s easy to put off these visits, but they can help you in the long-term.

QMG Memory Clinic: Supporting Patients in Memory Care
Memory loss is a common concern for many individuals, often leading to worries about Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders. Marianne McClain, PsyD, Adult Neuropsychologist with Quincy Medical Group (QMG) and the QMG Memory Clinic, emphasizes that memory loss does not always indicate a progressive condition.

Is It Hard of Hearing or Hearing Loss?
By Paul Conrad, MD, FACS
Hearing loss can sneak up on you over time and can seemingly happen overnight. Either way, losing your hearing can send you on a downward spiral – but the good news is there’s no need to panic. Thanks to advancements in hearing aids (both prescribed and over-the-counter) and hearing augmentation implanted devices such as cochlear implants, there are plenty of solutions available.

Care Navigator Program
By Cancer Institute
A care navigator is by your side. We’re here to listen, understand, and support you through your cancer journey.