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Healthy Snack Options In The Workplace
When you need a snack mid-morning or late afternoon, consider selecting a snack that will help your hunger without harming your weight. See some of our healthy snack suggestions below!

Five Tips for Proper Hydration
Water is important for every process in the body. It’s also key to keeping us alert, energized, and has been shown to be important for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Look for signs of dehydration early.

In the Kitchen with QMG – July
In the Kitchen with QMG – July

In the Kitchen with QMG – June
Caribbean Shrimp Kabobs

In the Kitchen with QMG – May
Stuffed Quinoa Green Peppers

In The Kitchen with QMG – Baked Oatmeal
Baked Oatmeal

In The Kitchen with QMG – Fish Tacos
Fish Tacos Recipe

In The Kitchen with QMG – Buffalo Chicken Dip
Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe (20 servings)

Is it a cold or the flu?
By Primary Care
It’s that time of year when it seems like everyone has the sniffles and sneezes, but how do you know if it’s just a cold or if it’s the flu?