National Diabetes Awareness Month
November is National Diabetes Month. Did you know there are actually different kinds of diabetes, and each type is treated differently?
November is National Diabetes Month. Did you know there are actually different kinds of diabetes, and each type is treated differently?
Torticollis is when a child will have a preference to tip their head one way and rotate it the other way. It is a condition that is caused by a tightening of the neck muscle and is usually related to the child’s position in utero.
What is a fatty liver disease? First off, let’s talk about the liver. Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It acts as a filter for medications and alcohol, it stores energy and vitamins and also aids in digestion. Our liver does so much for us, but there is an epidemic that is not talked about.
For most, gluten containing foods like rye, wheat, and barley can be a delicious and nutritious addition to one’s diet. These whole grains can provide B vitamins, iron, zinc, and fiber. For a small segment of the population though, gluten can be dangerous. According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, roughly 1.4% of the global population has Celiac disease.
Drs. Joseph and Theresa Newton, board-certified neuromusculoskeletal medicine physicians, specialize in treating musculoskeletal problems including, but not limited to:
Lymphedema is a condition/disease defined as the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissue causing chronic inflammation, hardening of the skin, and an increase in adipose tissue.
September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Thyroid cancer is relatively uncommon compared to other cancers, but like many other types of cancer, if caught early, thyroid cancer can be treated.
When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia stemming from Alzheimer’s, understanding your options for care is important. Our Neurology team at Quincy Medical Group (QMG) can help you find your path for the best treatment.
November is National Alzheimer’s Month. QMG Neurologist Dr. Daniel Kimple answered a few questions about the importance of the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
February is recognized as American Heart Month. During this month, it’s important to be informed about the signs, symptoms, risk factors, and the prevention of heart disease. Quincy Medical Group Nurse Practitioner Hope Owens answered some frequently asked questions about your heart.
This month is Autism Acceptance Month, a time to give people a chance to educate themselves on what autism is and what it means to those who were diagnosed with it. QMG Pediatric Neuropsychologist Dr. Sandra Clark works closely with kids of all ages and their families. We spoke to her to learn more.