
Hats of Hope: Susan's Story

When Susan G. was diag­nosed with pan­cre­at­ic can­cer, she faced the dif­fi­cult jour­ney ahead with resilience and a unique source of strength — her grow­ing col­lec­tion of hats. What start­ed as a fun dis­trac­tion became a dai­ly reminder to stay pos­i­tive through surgery, chemother­a­py, and radi­a­tion. Sup­port­ed by her Quin­cy Med­ical Group care team, fam­i­ly, and friends, Susan marked each mile­stone with grat­i­tude, cul­mi­nat­ing in the joy­ous moment of ring­ing the bell to sig­nal the end of treat­ment. On Feb­ru­ary 3, 2025, she received the life-chang­ing news — her can­cer was in remis­sion. Look­ing back, she cred­its her ear­ly diag­no­sis and the sup­port around her for sav­ing her life.

Caring for Aging Eyes


As we age, vision changes like need­ing glass­es more often or adjust­ing set­tings on devices become com­mon. How­ev­er, age-relat­ed eye con­di­tions like cataracts, dry eye, mac­u­lar degen­er­a­tion, glau­co­ma, and dia­bet­ic retinopa­thy can cause more seri­ous issues. While these con­di­tions can’t always be pre­vent­ed, main­tain­ing a healthy lifestyle, man­ag­ing con­di­tions like dia­betes, and hav­ing reg­u­lar eye exams can help pro­tect your vision. Ear­ly diag­no­sis and treat­ment options, includ­ing surgery and med­ica­tions, can slow or pre­vent severe vision loss. Reg­u­lar eye exams are impor­tant, espe­cial­ly as you age.

Rising Star Award: Natalie D.

Our fifth and final annu­al award recog­ni­tion is for the QMG Ris­ing Star Award and it was pre­sent­ed to Natal­ie D., Patient Access Coor­di­na­tor. Recip­i­ents of this dis­tin­guished award demon­strates out­stand­ing promise in their respec­tive field, exhibits lead­er­ship and integri­ty in serv­ing patients and the com­mu­ni­ty, cul­ti­vates col­lab­o­ra­tion amongst their team, and dis­plays curios­i­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and diver­si­ty of thought to cre­ate change and make an impact in field of healthcare.

Rising Star Award: Chase M.

Our fourth QMG Annu­al Award recog­ni­tion is for the Ris­ing Star Award and it was pre­sent­ed to Chase M., Reg­is­tered Phar­ma­cist in Infu­sion Ther­a­py. Recip­i­ents of this dis­tin­guished award demon­strates out­stand­ing promise in their respec­tive field, exhibits lead­er­ship and integri­ty in serv­ing patients and the com­mu­ni­ty, cul­ti­vates col­lab­o­ra­tion amongst their team, and dis­plays curios­i­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and diver­si­ty of thought to cre­ate change and make an impact in field of healthcare. 

A Daughter’s Love

Joan­na Shipe’s health jour­ney began after her father’s mas­sive heart attack and con­ges­tive heart fail­ure diag­no­sis dur­ing her col­lege years. She left school to care for him, but his pass­ing became a wake-up call that high­light­ed the toll neglect­ing her own health had tak­en. Inspired by her father’s resilience, Joan­na com­mit­ted to trans­form­ing her health. Through weight loss surg­eries, revers­ing dia­betes, and stay­ing active, she achieved sig­nif­i­cant mile­stones despite set­backs. Con­cerned about her fam­i­ly his­to­ry of heart dis­ease, she sought care from QMG providers, includ­ing Dr. Divya Batra and Dr. Adam Rafi, who helped her address severe heart block­ages. Joan­na cred­its their com­pas­sion­ate sup­port for her progress and remains moti­vat­ed by her father’s exam­ple, embrac­ing the fight to pri­or­i­tize her health every day.

Legacy of Lights: Eric's Story

Each hol­i­day sea­son, Quincy’s Waver­ing Park trans­forms into a daz­zling win­ter won­der­land for the Fes­ti­val of Lights, a cher­ished tra­di­tion led by Eric Doo­ley and his fam­i­ly. For years, Eric’s health chal­lenges, includ­ing severe knee pain stem­ming from a high school ACL injury, made the phys­i­cal­ly demand­ing work of cre­at­ing the dis­play near­ly impossible.

Turn­ing to Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) for help, Eric began treat­ment with Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er Mary Beth Deck­er and even­tu­al­ly under­went knee replace­ment surgery with Ortho­pe­dic Sur­geon Dr. George Crickard III. The surgery was life-chang­ing, allow­ing Eric to walk with­out pain and ful­ly embrace his role in the Fes­ti­val of Lights.

In Good Hands: Growing Up With a QMG Pediatrician

A strong rela­tion­ship with a pedi­a­tri­cian can make all the dif­fer­ence in car­ing for chil­dren, as one fam­i­ly expe­ri­enced with Dr. Todd Porter from Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG). Dr. Porter has pro­vid­ed valu­able sup­port, includ­ing coor­di­nat­ing care with spe­cial­ists, which has eased the fam­i­ly’s stress. His abil­i­ty to lis­ten and con­nect with the kids helps them feel com­fort­able dis­cussing their health, build­ing trust over time. The fam­i­ly is grate­ful for Dr. Porter’s com­pas­sion­ate care, know­ing their chil­dren are always in good hands.