Lifestyle & Wellness

Debunking Cold & Flu Wives’ Tales


Cold and flu sea­son has arrived, bring­ing with it a resur­gence of myths and old wives’ tales regard­ing reme­dies and pre­ven­tions. You may have come across some of these time-hon­ored pieces of advice hand­ed down through gen­er­a­tions, but how much truth do they hold? To help us nav­i­gate the facts and fic­tion, we con­sult­ed Dr. Ernest Wal­lace, a physi­cian with QMG Now Urgent Care at Quin­cy Med­ical Group.

Body Mass Index and Healthy Living

BMI is a tool but not the end-all-be-all defin­ing fac­tor of our lives. BMI or body mass index” is a mea­sure of someone’s weight in kilo­grams divid­ed by their height in meters squared. The num­ber this gives us is used to gauge if some­one is poten­tial­ly car­ry­ing excess fat for their size. BMI alone does not take into account dai­ly habits, mus­cle mass, water reten­tion, or a vari­ety of oth­er fac­tors. At the end of the day, this num­ber is, well, just a num­ber. What­ev­er your BMI is should not keep you awake at night. Instead of stress­ing about your BMI, I rec­om­mend focus­ing on behav­iors that can improve mobil­i­ty, ener­gy lev­els, flex­i­bil­i­ty, or nutri­tion status.