Vollbracht Family: Pandemic Brings Double the Blessings

In ear­ly 2020, Bar­bra and Kevin Voll­bracht were anx­ious­ly await­ing the due date of their daugh­ter, Eva. As spring approached, they didn’t antic­i­pate what the year would bring.

My third trimester start­ed the day after Illi­nois shut down due to the pan­dem­ic. That was ter­ri­fy­ing. That last three months, we were sup­posed to have a baby show­er and cel­e­brate with our fam­i­ly, and every­thing changed,” Bar­bra recalled.

The Voll­brachts decid­ed to do all they could to pro­tect them­selves and their daugh­ter from COVID by lim­it­ing their out­ings. For Bar­bra, there were only two peo­ple she saw on a reg­u­lar basis dur­ing those last three months of her preg­nan­cy — her hus­band and Quin­cy Med­ical Group OB/GYN Dr. Jean Alexandre.

I wasn’t real­ly going out, so going to the doctor’s office was my big social thing,” she said. It sounds pathet­ic, but when I had an appoint­ment I would look for­ward to it. We rarely left the house, we were just try­ing to keep to safe.”

Dr. Alexan­dre was there for them, lis­ten­ing and sup­port­ing them through an unprece­dent­ed time. It wasn’t the first time he had been there for them. Start­ing a fam­i­ly was dif­fi­cult for Kevin and Barbra.

Everything’s a bit of a blur because so much has hap­pened these last cou­ple of years. When my hus­band and I got mar­ried, we want­ed to start a fam­i­ly,” she said. After about six months, we hadn’t got­ten preg­nant, and I sched­uled an appoint­ment with Dr. Alexan­dre to make sure every­thing was ok.”

After a series of vis­its, they became preg­nant but expe­ri­enced a mis­car­riage. Soon after, they became preg­nant again, but again the preg­nan­cy end­ed in a miscarriage.

After our sec­ond mis­car­riage, Dr. Alexan­dre referred us to a doc­tor in St. Louis. The doc­tor did some addi­tion­al test­ing there, and every­thing turned out ok,” she said.

In Sep­tem­ber of 2019, they got preg­nant and wel­comed their daugh­ter, Eva, on May 28, 2020. When Eva was three months old, the fam­i­ly was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised to find out they were expect­ing again, a baby boy.

With both preg­nan­cies, Dr. Alexan­dre took great care of the family.

Our sec­ond mis­car­riage was a genet­ic issue, so with both preg­nan­cies we did the genet­ic test­ing,” she said. I remem­ber Dr. Alexan­dre called us in the evening with the results, so we wouldn’t have to wor­ry and wait anoth­er day. That just blew me away that he would do that. He want­ed to let us know that every­thing was fine just to ease our minds.”

As the fam­i­ly pre­pared to wel­come their sec­ond baby dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, they wor­ried about stay­ing safe. As she was preg­nant, the COVID-19 Vac­cine came out. Bar­bra said the deci­sion on whether to get the vac­cine was one she gave a lot of thought to.

I think Dr. Alexan­dre saw how much stress I was under try­ing to decide whether or not to get the vac­cine or not. I remem­ber at one of my appoint­ments he print­ed off an arti­cle for me to read,” she said. It wasn’t an easy choice. I can say Dr. Alexan­dre nev­er pushed me one way or the oth­er, he always lis­tened to my con­cerns, but he would give me the facts that he had and I trust him completely.”

Ulti­mate­ly, she decid­ed to get the vac­cine, a deci­sion she feels was right for her.

We had to do what we thought was best. And, hav­ing the two loss­es pri­or to this, we already expe­ri­enced so much. I just couldn’t imag­ine putting my kids at risk.”

As the Voll­brachts pre­pared to wel­come their baby boy, they had a spe­cial name in mind. They decid­ed to pay trib­ute to the per­son who had seen them through the most dif­fi­cult and hap­pi­est times of their lives — Dr. Alexandre.

Xan­dre Voll­bracht was born on June 17, 2021 — a name that will be a last­ing reminder of the doc­tor that meant so much them.

He just has a very spe­cial place in my heart because of the way he’s gone above and beyond for us. He’s a great guy on top of being a great doc­tor, he’s just a great human being,” she said.

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