Vicki’s Story: Full of Gratitude

The past four and a half years have been full of grat­i­tude for Vic­ki McColez, despite going through some of the most chal­leng­ing days of her life.

After expe­ri­enc­ing a cou­ple months of per­sis­tent back pain, she received a sur­pris­ing diag­no­sis – stage 4 breast cancer.

I start­ed expe­ri­enc­ing some back­ach­es and I just thought since I was get­ting old­er it was just from old age or I had strained it some­how,” she shared. I went to a cou­ple of chi­ro­prac­tors and the pain seemed to be get­ting worse, not bet­ter. So, my hus­band said maybe you should go get this checked out.”

McColez came to Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG), where she had a vis­it with Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er Jen­nifer Walker.

She was love­ly and said I’m think­ing it’s your sci­at­ic nerve, but we’re going to do an MRI, and see if we can fig­ure out what’s going on,’” she said.

The results showed a burst frac­ture, an injury in which the ver­te­bra, the pri­ma­ry bone of the spine, breaks in mul­ti­ple directions.

After she heard the results, she went to see a neu­ro­sur­geon, who sus­pect­ed what might have caused the frac­ture. McColez was admit­ted to the hos­pi­tal, as doc­tors worked to con­firm her diagnosis.

QMG Inter­nal Med­i­cine Physi­cian Dr. Adam Rey­burn came the fol­low­ing morn­ing to see her with news she didn’t expect. She had metasta­t­ic breast can­cer that had spread to her bones, her liv­er, and a few spots in her lungs.

When they told me, I didn’t cry, but my hus­band and kids did. I was just in shock. I was just lying there, but when I heard the word treat­able,’ I had hope.”

After 21 days in the hos­pi­tal, McColez came home.

I was so hap­py to be home. My faith was so impor­tant. I prayed every day for God to either take me or heal me. The jour­ney was going to be hard and I knew it,” she recalled.

Now four and a half years lat­er, McColez said she’s so grate­ful for her faith, her fam­i­ly, the care of her team at the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute, and her doc­tor QMG Oncol­o­gist Dr. M. Amjad Ali.

McColez has got­ten to know those at the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute well. She goes once a month for treat­ment, which she will con­tin­ue. She is mon­i­tored close­ly by the QMG team and recent­ly start­ed a new treat­ment reg­i­men after a recent biop­sy. Again, she heard the words treat­able.’

Sev­er­al years ago, they would say make your­self com­fort­able and get your affairs in order. But, I was nev­er told that. I was told it was treat­able. Can­cer isn’t the death sen­tence it once was,” she said.

After a recent vis­it, Dr. Ali shared with her that there are many options for her.

Dr. Ali said new drugs come out about once a month, and he said we have so many options right now, which is amaz­ing. It’s not like we’re down to just one option. He is always find­ing new things,” she said.

She has formed a bond with the team at the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute and appre­ci­ates all the team has done for her.

The doc­tors and nurs­es are amaz­ing. I go into the Can­cer Insti­tute and I’ve been see­ing them for four years. I tell them sto­ries about me and they share sto­ries about them­selves. You know, they love me and I love them. They are all just great people.”

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