Try This Delicious Potato Casserole

  • Cook­ing spray
  • 2 pounds frozen hash browns
  • 1 tea­spoon margarine
  • ½ cup chopped onion
  • ½ tea­spoon ground black pepper
  • 1, 10 ¾‑ounce can low-fat cream of chick­en con­densed soup
  • 1 cup fat-free sour cream
  • 1 ¼ cups shred­ded, reduced fat ched­dar cheese
  • 1 cup fat-free skim milk
  1. Pre­heat oven to 375⁰ F.
  2. Coat a 13 x 9‑inch pan with cook­ing spray. Spread hash browns on bot­tom of pan.
  3. In a large non­stick skil­let, melt mar­garine over medi­um-high heat. Add onion and sauté until clear. Add remain­ing ingre­di­ents and mix well. Cook about 5 min­utes, stir­ring occasionally.
  4. Pour soup mix­ture over hash browns. Bake for 50 – 60 minutes.
Nutri­tion Facts:

Serv­ing Size: 12 cup

Calo­ries 105

Car­bo­hy­drate 17 g

Pro­tein 5 g

Fat 3 g

Dietary Fiber 1 g

Health Topics: