Toe Walking

What is Toe Walking?

Toe Walk­ing is just when a child walks pri­mar­i­ly on their toes with­out putting weight on their heels or oth­er parts of the foot.

What Caus­es Toe Walking?

Toe walk­ing can be caused by mus­cle tight­ness and or weak­ness or it could be a bal­ance and coor­di­na­tion issue.

Why is Toe Walk­ing an Issue?

If a child over the age of two is up on their toes for more than 50% of the day, they could start to devel­op some prob­lems with their feet, ankles, knees, or their back. It can also cre­ate more weak­ness in their tum­my and hip mus­cles, which could lead to oth­er ortho­pe­dic issues in the future.

What Should You Do if You Notice Exces­sive Toe Walking?

The best thing to do is to con­sult your pedi­a­tri­cian and ask for a refer­ral to a Pedi­atric Phys­i­cal Therapist.

Sam Wil­son is a Pedi­atric Ther­a­pist at Quin­cy Med­ical Group.

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