“They’re Why I’m Here”: Kiki’s Story

Right place, right time” is part of Cathy Kiki“ Backoff’s sto­ry, but it’s not the whole sto­ry. In Octo­ber of 2019, Back­off was not feel­ing well. But she didn’t think it was any­thing too serious.

As most moms do, I kind of put it off. I thought I was com­ing down with some kind of res­pi­ra­to­ry bug. I felt drained and was hav­ing trou­ble get­ting a full breath,” she remembered.

Through­out that week, she began to feel a bit worse, but car­ried on with her nor­mal activ­i­ties. By the end of the week­end, her health declined fur­ther. On Tues­day, Octo­ber 22, her hus­band called their pri­ma­ry care provider, Dr. Adam Rey­burn. The events that fol­lowed are still a blur to Backoff.

She came in with the com­plaint of just not feel­ing right,’” Dr. Rey­burn explained. When I saw her, she was pale and mild­ly tachy­cardic. Her symp­toms were non­spe­cif­ic, but con­cern­ing. We ordered lab work, chest X‑ray, and an EKG to try and under­stand the cause of her symptoms.”

On the way out to the lab, Back­off and her hus­band walked through the wait­ing room and she asked to sit down for a sec­ond. And, that’s the last thing she remem­bers from that day. Dr. Rey­burn recalled what happened.

We ran out into the hall and, not feel­ing her pulse, we start­ed CPR and sup­port­ive breath­ing,” Dr. Rey­burn explained. We quick­ly got her pulse back, start­ed IV flu­ids, and called Adams Coun­ty EMS.”

She was trans­ferred by ambu­lance to the hos­pi­tal. There, doc­tors con­tin­ued to try to fig­ure out the cause of her col­lapse. They deter­mined she expe­ri­enced a mas­sive pul­monary embolism. 

When we fig­ured out what was going on, the doc­tors were dis­cussing my next steps,” Back­off said. There was talk of open heart surgery, and the doc­tor there said I wasn’t sta­ble enough to move.”

That’s when right place, right time” would occur once again. QMG Car­di­ol­o­gist Dr. Adam Rafi was at the hos­pi­tal for anoth­er patient and came in to con­sult with her.

He said, I’ll take her to the cath lab.’ If he wasn’t will­ing to take me as a patient and come in and see me, I don’t know what would have hap­pened,” she explained. I think back on that day, and if I wasn’t with Dr. Rey­burn when I col­lapsed, I wouldn’t be here. Dr. Rafi was new to QMG, and he did these kind of pro­ce­dures in Flori­da where he came from and he hap­pened to be there. It’s just crazy how every­thing lined up.”

Also, there was Dr. Ray­mond Smith, with the QMG Oncology/​Hematology team, and he met with Back­off while she was in the hos­pi­tal. She recalls him pray­ing with her sis­ter and mom and how much that meant to them.

Almost a year and a half lat­er, Back­off is doing great, but she often thinks of the three doc­tors who were in the right place at the right time.

I’m sure Dr. Rey­burn and Dr. Rafi helped save my life,” Back­off added. And the fact that Dr. Smith took time out of his busy sched­ule to com­fort and pray with my fam­i­ly also shows how QMG goes beyond for patients.”

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