Sister Act: Morgan & Evan’s Story

Nation­al Sis­ters’ Day pro­vides a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to cel­e­brate the spe­cial con­nec­tion shared between sis­ters. At Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG), nurs­es Evan P. and Mor­gan S. are not only sis­ters, but they also work side-by-side in our Obstet­rics & Gyne­col­o­gy department.

Being close in age, Evan and Mor­gan were prac­ti­cal­ly insep­a­ra­ble grow­ing up. Their time spent togeth­er in school, extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties, and sports forged a deep con­nec­tion between them. Despite the occa­sion­al ups and downs, their friend­ship always remained strong.

We were dif­fer­ent in many ways but also the same. We typ­i­cal­ly did every­thing togeth­er but didn’t always get along,” Evan said. We both played sports, played on the same teams, went to the same schools, and par­tic­i­pat­ed in the same after-school activities.”

Mor­gan added, I always aspired to be like my big sis­ter (which drove her crazy), so I always want­ed to dress like her and play the same sports as her and hang around her and her friends. At the end of the day, we were always there for each oth­er when it mattered.”

They always looked out for each oth­er and those around them. Their mutu­al desire to help oth­ers inspired them to pur­sue careers in nurs­ing. A sig­nif­i­cant influ­ence on their deci­sion was their grand­moth­er, whose mem­o­ry con­tin­ues to guide them.

Our grand­moth­er was also a nurse, and although she passed away when we were young, our mom always had sto­ries about her. Many peo­ple who worked with her told us how great she was and how much she enjoyed being a nurse,” said Evan.

After earn­ing their nurs­ing degrees, Evan and Mor­gan reunit­ed again, work­ing at the same facil­i­ty. Mor­gan even­tu­al­ly joined Dr. Katy Wand in the Obstet­rics & Gyne­col­o­gy depart­ment at QMG. When an oppor­tu­ni­ty to work togeth­er at QMG arose, they jumped at the chance. Mor­gan knew her sis­ter would be the per­fect fit for the role.

We have always worked great togeth­er,” Mor­gan said. We enjoy being able to see each oth­er often, share our love for our job, and bounce ideas off of each other.”

Evan echoed this sen­ti­ment, I love work­ing with my sis­ter. It’s nice to be able to walk over to her, or I real­ly just have to roll my chair to her desk to ask her questions.”

While spend­ing so much time togeth­er might be chal­leng­ing for some sib­lings, for Mor­gan and Evan, it’s a nat­ur­al fit.

I would not change our sce­nario for the world. Work­ing togeth­er in the same depart­ment has been awe­some,” Mor­gan said.

Evan added, Every­one always asks, How is it work­ing with your sis­ter?’ I always say I wouldn’t have it any oth­er way.”

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