Rubber Band Painting


  • Wash­able Paint
  • Card­board
  • Rub­ber Bands (vari­ety of sizes is best)
  • Paint­ing Tray
  • Paint Brush­es
  • Paint­ing Paper

How To:

  • Cut the card­board into squares. Ex: 6X6
  • Stretch the rub­ber bands around the card­board pieces to make dif­fer­ent designs.
  • Fill paint trays with col­ors of paint you will be using.
  • Use the paint­brush and paint ON the rub­ber bands. (not the entire piece of cardboard)
  • Once you have paint­ed over all the rub­ber bands, it’s time to stamp!
  • Stamp on pant­i­ng paper and enjoy adding all of your unique designs.

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