Preventing Injury During Winter Weather

Our region recent­ly expe­ri­enced icy con­di­tions, and as the win­ter sea­son goes on, we are like­ly to see more ice and snow. Win­ter weath­er can be unpre­dictable, so it is impor­tant to be pre­pared to pre­vent seri­ous injury.

Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) Ortho­pe­dic Sur­geon Dr. Adam Der­hake shared, Due to the unique weath­er con­di­tions dur­ing the win­ter, the num­ber of ortho­pe­dic injuries that result from falls increas­es dra­mat­i­cal­ly. A bad fall can have seri­ous health con­se­quences for a patient and can even require sur­gi­cal ortho­pe­dic care.”

Dr. Der­hake said even a seem­ing­ly insignif­i­cant snow­fall can cre­ate unsta­ble foot­ing. He offers a few tips to help keep you safe this winter.

I rec­om­mend to patients that they main­tain a clear dri­ve­way and side­walk, which includes not just clear­ing snow, but also lay­ing down salt,” he shared. For patients with more lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty, I rec­om­mend that they plan ahead if a win­ter storm is fore­cast­ed so that they have enough sup­plies to stay indoors until the con­di­tions improve.”

Ice and snow are not the only fac­tors to con­sid­er when head­ing out­doors this win­ter. Light­ing and cloth­ing can also con­tribute to injuries.

The few­er day­light hours in the win­ter means that we spend a lot more time walk­ing out­side in the dark. Patients should make sure to turn on their out­door light­ing at home and park in well-lit areas of the park­ing lot,” explained Dr. Der­hake. Also, the cold tem­per­a­tures require bulky win­ter cloth­ing, which can some­times impede mobil­i­ty and/​or visibility.”

He adds that even if you don’t typ­i­cal­ly use an assis­tive device, such as a cane, one may be nec­es­sary to help you walk safe­ly in win­ter con­di­tions. Tak­ing your time can go a long way in pre­vent­ing poten­tial injuries.

Over­all, peo­ple just need to take a lit­tle extra time in the win­ter and be patient to ensure that they can get from point A to point B safe­ly,” he said.

If you do expe­ri­ence an injury, the QMG Ortho­pe­dics team is here for you. QMG Ortho Now offers imme­di­ate access to expert ortho­pe­dic care. QMG Ortho Now allows you to walk-in, with­out an appoint­ment, to see an ortho­pe­dic provider.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it quin​cymed​group​.com/​q​m​g​o​r​t​honow or call 217−222−2663.

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