Patient Story: Terry’s Next Steps

A late-evening, painful injury result­ed in west­ern Illi­nois res­i­dent Ter­ry Thiel seek­ing treat­ment at Quin­cy Med­ical Group, where he was able to get imme­di­ate spe­cial­ized ortho­pe­dic attention.

It was 10 on a win­ter evening in Jan­u­ary. Ter­ry Thiel and his wife, Martha, were home in Blandinsville, IL. Martha had turned in for the night, while Ter­ry decid­ed to stay up a bit longer. As he recalls the events to fol­low, he still finds him­self in a bit of disbelief.

I went out to get some milk from the refrig­er­a­tor in the garage. There are about three or four steps lead­ing down into the garage. I made the first step fine. Then, I must have stepped too wide­ly for the sec­ond step and fell onto the garage floor,” he shared.

He fell hard. His legs burned with pain. Over the next hour and a half, Ter­ry lay on his garage floor con­tem­plat­ing his next move though the thought of mov­ing seemed impos­si­ble. He couldn’t move his legs. All he could do was stare at the steps lead­ing back inside his house where Martha slept. As the min­utes passed, Ter­ry some­how found the strength to make his way his into his house.

I knew I need­ed help and need­ed to get into the house,” he explained. I don’t know how I did it, but I was able to drag myself up the steps. Once I got to the top of the steps, I scoot­ed and slid to the bed­room and my wife’s side.”

After wak­ing Martha, they debat­ed whether to make the long trip to town to the emer­gency room. They decid­ed to wait until morn­ing. When they arrived at the ER, the doc­tor ordered X‑rays which showed no bro­ken bones. Ter­ry decid­ed to wait it out at home and check in with his pri­ma­ry care physi­cian, Dr. Dana Alt­man at Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG).

Over the fol­low­ing week, the pain wors­ened. On Feb­ru­ary 6, Ter­ry came to see Dr. Alt­man and it didn’t take for long for her to real­ize his injury need­ed imme­di­ate attention.

When he came in, he was in a lot of pain and he said his knees would buck­le if he tried to step up,” shared Dr. Alt­man. He was unable to extend (straight­en) his knees when seat­ed on the exam table.”

Dr. Alt­man called the ortho­pe­dics depart­ment and explained Terry’s con­di­tion. With­in min­utes, Ter­ry was trans­ferred to a wheel­chair and tak­en down to see Dr. George Crickard, ortho­pe­dic sur­geon with QMG, to be evaluated.

Ter­ry is a very opti­mistic guy, but when he came to see me he was in quite a bit of pain. He wasn’t able to stand and had exten­sive injuries in both of his legs,” Dr. Crickard shared.

Dr. Crickard ordered an MRI, which con­firmed what he had sus­pect­ed. Ter­ry had rup­tured the exten­sor mech­a­nism (quad ten­don) in both of his legs. Though the injury itself isn’t rare, the occur­rence of the same injury in both legs is.

There have been 100 cas­es writ­ten up as case reports,” said Dr. Crickard. They are more com­mon than we prob­a­bly real­ize, as the cas­es don’t get report­ed. In oth­er words, the doc­u­men­ta­tion on cas­es like Terry’s are hard to find because there is no report­ing agency for these cases.”

Ter­ry was sched­uled for surgery the fol­low­ing week with Dr. Crickard and his col­league Dr. Dou­glas Navasart­ian, ortho­pe­dic sur­geon. Pri­or to leav­ing for the day, he was brought to the QMG Phys­i­cal Ther­a­py depart­ment, where he was fit­ted with immo­bi­liz­ers to help with move­ment. Leah Whip­ple, phys­i­cal ther­a­pist, and Michelle Lav­ery, direc­tor of ther­a­py ser­vices, pedi­atric ther­a­py, ortho­pe­dics & sports med­i­cine, worked with Ter­ry and his wife, so they could be at home safely.

When you think about func­tion, you need to be able to bend your knees to do many every­day things. Ter­ry wasn’t able to do that and hav­ing the same injury in both legs is not one we see very often,” Whip­ple explained. We fit­ted him for immo­bi­liz­ers and worked with him on how to get in and out of bed, in and out of a chair, up and down stairs, and in and out of a car with both legs locked out straight.”

Once he felt com­fort­able, Ter­ry was helped to his car and he and Martha head­ed home. Though the day was long, both are incred­i­bly grate­ful that they left that day with a plan in place.

I was able to get all the care I need­ed all at the same place and on the same day,” Ter­ry said. I knew I was in good hands the whole time. The big rea­son I want­ed to come to QMG was that I knew I could get every­thing done right there. “

Ter­ry had surgery the fol­low­ing week and spent some time at Sun­set Home in Quin­cy for in-patient reha­bil­i­ta­tion. His jour­ney will be long, but Ter­ry is hope­ful with each pass­ing day that he’ll make a full recovery.

I’m feel­ing great and very grate­ful for all who had a part in tak­ing care of me.”

To learn more about our Ortho­pe­dics and Sports Med­i­cine team, click here.

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