Patient Experience Week: Dr. Samuel Healy

Dr. Samuel Healy is one of our pedi­a­tri­cians here at Quin­cy Med­ical Group. As part of Patient Expe­ri­ence Week, he shares more about what patients mean to him.

Why makes your time with patients spe­cial?
I think being able to spend time with my pedi­atric patients is extreme­ly impor­tant. One of the spe­cial things about my job is that I get to fol­low kids as they grow. I see all of my kids fre­quent­ly through­out the first 2 years of their life. I get to see the mile­stones they reach, and the amount of growth and devel­op­ment they go through dur­ing that time. I get to see all of my pedi­atric patients at least once a year as they get old­er, if not mul­ti­ple times with ill­ness­es and for oth­er rea­sons. It is reward­ing to get to know them and their fam­i­lies and fol­low along with them through­out their child­hood and into ear­ly adulthood.”

What does pro­vid­ing a good patient expe­ri­ence mean to you?
It is extreme­ly impor­tant to pro­vide a good expe­ri­ence for not only the chil­dren we take care of but also their fam­i­lies. We try to have a relaxed envi­ron­ment in the office and to be very friend­ly and car­ing. I also like to explain things to par­ents in terms that they can under­stand and to make sure that they know exact­ly what is going on with their child. I make a point to dis­cuss things that may come up between that vis­it and the next so that par­ents and fam­i­lies are pre­pared for things that may come up at home. I also want to ensure that there are no out­stand­ing ques­tions before fam­i­lies leave the office. This is what makes the best patient expe­ri­ence in my eyes.”

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