Packing Nutritious and Delicious School Lunches

Make This Year The Best One Yet

Par­ents, raise your hand if you are ready for school to start! Now, raise your hand if you despise pack­ing school lunch­es! For some rea­son, it is one item on my to-do” list that I absolute­ly loathe. Our local schools pro­vide great lunch­es, but there are still days that I need to pack a lunch or two. – (and now three this year, as my baby is start­ing first grade sob.) But I digress.

Whether we’re ready or not, it’s time to dig out the lunch box­es, and get pre­pared for anoth­er year! Let’s face it, thanks to Pin­ter­est we have moved way beyond the tra­di­tion­al, some may say bor­ing,” sand­wich and chips meal. This helps keep lunch fun for kids, but mak­ing sure their lunch is both healthy and some­thing they’ll eat can be a chal­lenge. Here are some tips:

Get your Chil­dren Involved

I find when my kids get to make deci­sions about what they are going to eat and help in the prepa­ra­tion of the meal, the per­cent­age of food that they con­sume increas­es dra­mat­i­cal­ly. A def­i­nite win-win for me. Now, while I let them be involved in the deci­sion, I do have some guide­lines they need to fol­low. My meal rules are three­fold. The meal needs to include: 1) a pro­tein food; 2) a car­bo­hy­drate food; and 3) some­thing of col­or. The kids can get very cre­ative as they try to meet these guidelines.

Think Out­side the Lunch­box (pun total­ly intended)

To meet the guide­lines I set for the meals, we may use left­overs, sal­ads, soups, and my kids’ favorite – the kabob. We have pur­chased real­ly spec­tac­u­lar ther­moses that keep food hot until lunch, as well as ben­to box­es to help keep the items sep­a­rat­ed (links below to these items).

Mak­ing A Well Round­ed Meal

Final­ly, for you ultra-pre­pared and orga­nized par­ents out there (not me), you can also work with your kids to make lists of lunch­es that they like to eat and use that to plan lunch­es for the week. Shop­ping on the week­end and meal prep­ping Sun­day night can make the week ahead go a lot smoother.

Below you will find some ideas for each of the require­ments in my meal guidelines.


eggs, cheese cubes/​slices/​string/​shredded, chick­en or turkey breast, egg, tuna, or chick­en sal­ad, yogurt, cot­tage cheese, low sodi­um lunch meat.


whole wheat bread/​crackers/​tortilla/​English muffins; pret­zels, sun chips.


we pre­fer fresh or frozen of these items. Try adding them to a sal­ad or kabob or mak­ing up a dip with plain Greek yogurt and dry ranch sea­son­ing to enjoy them.

Put it All Together

Some ideas of how we would put this togeth­er to make an amaz­ing lunch:

  1. Make kabobs using tooth­picks. Put low sodi­um ham or turkey, cher­ry toma­toes, and moz­zarel­la cheese (my kids like the moz­zarel­la cheese pearls) on them. Add 4 – 6 triscuits and a cup of mel­on or berries and fin­ish off with a small bot­tle of water or fla­vored water pouch.
  2. Try a sal­ad that includes romaine let­tuce, baby cucum­bers, and cher­ry toma­toes. Add a sliced up hard-boiled egg or diced chick­en breast for pro­tein. Fin­ish it off with a side of pret­zels or a yogurt. We also add unsalt­ed sun­flower seeds to the sal­ad for a healthy fat option.
  3. Use a whole wheat tor­tilla and wrap up low sodi­um turkey breast, diced toma­toes, and an avo­ca­do. Slice up a cup of straw­ber­ries on the side and add a water. We also like to include a veg­gie, like baby car­rots or pep­pers, and hum­mus to add a bit of a crunch to the meal.

I hope every­one has a great first day of school!

The Goods

Here are the links to the thermos.

https://​www​.ama​zon​.com/​T​H​E​R​M​O​S​-​I​n​s​u​l​a​t​e​d​-​S​t​a​i​n​l​e​s​s​-​1​0​-​O​u​n​c​e​-​C​h​a​r​c​o​a​l​/​d​p​/​B​0​0​L​I​R​I​Z​V​U​/​r​e​f​=​s​r​_​1​_​8​_​a​_​i​t​?​i​e​=​U​T​F​8​&​q​i​d​=​1​5​3​3​8​4​7​7​8​3​&sr=8 – 8&keywords=lunch%2Bthermos&th=1


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