New Treatment Option for Varicose Vein Sufferers

Vari­cose veins are not just a cos­met­ic issue, they can also be a symp­tom of vas­cu­lar issues and lead to oth­er prob­lems down the road.

Dr. Chris­t­ian Zwick, Vas­cu­lar Sur­geon with the Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) Vein Insti­tute, said vari­cose veins result from reflux that occurs when the body has dif­fi­cul­ty send­ing blood back to the heart from the body’s limbs. Clus­ters of blue or dark pur­ple can appear through the skin and veins can become vis­i­ble on your legs and feet.

The con­di­tion can leave many feel­ing self-con­scious about their appear­ance and keep them from enjoy­ing every­day activ­i­ties or show­ing their legs or feet,” he explained. In addi­tion, if left untreat­ed, com­pli­ca­tions can occur such as ulcer­a­tions or sores that open up in the limb.”

Once it appears, venous reflux dis­ease doesn’t go away with­out treat­ment. The con­di­tion is pro­gres­sive and can wors­en over time if not addressed. Treat­ment varies depend­ing on the patient and their indi­vid­ual con­di­tion, but an anti-reflux pro­ce­dure can pro­vide last­ing results.

The QMG Vein Insti­tute has per­formed hun­dreds of anti-reflux pro­ce­dures over the years. The newest treat­ment choice is the VenaSeal, a min­i­mal­ly inva­sive pro­ce­dure pro­vid­ed by QMG that treats vari­cose veins and venous reflux.

VenaSeal uses an advanced med­ical adhe­sive to safe­ly and effec­tive­ly close the site of the vein,” shared Dr. Zwick. Ben­e­fits of treat­ment include a rapid recov­ery peri­od for patients and a reduced need for com­pres­sion stock­ing ther­a­py post-pro­ce­dure. The VenaSeal also pro­vides pos­i­tive cos­met­ic results, so patients can feel good about the look and feel of their legs.”

If you have vari­cose veins or have con­cerns about your vas­cu­lar health, Dr. Zwick rec­om­mends call­ing the QMG Vein Insti­tute. Dr. Zwick and his col­league, Dr. Tim­o­thy Smith, share a com­bined expe­ri­ence of over 50 years in the region and will be there for you before, dur­ing, and after your treat­ment. Beyond vari­cose veins, they treat a wide vari­ety of con­di­tions includ­ing spi­der veins, venous insuf­fi­cien­cy, and vein-relat­ed leg pain.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it quin​cymed​group​.com/vein or call 217−222−6550, ext. 3884.

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