National Cancer Survivors Day: Sheila’s Story

In July of 2019, Sheila McGraw began expe­ri­enc­ing some strange symp­toms. Her face, tem­ples, and neck had swelled sig­nif­i­cant­ly. She assumed the reac­tion was due to aller­gies. Can­cer nev­er crossed her mind.

Through­out the scans and the tests, I didn’t feel sick. I even told my hus­band, at least it’s not can­cer,” she said.

How­ev­er, the results revealed stage 3 lung can­cer, as well as an aneurysm on the right side of her brain.

The rea­son I was so swollen, is because a tumor was press­ing on a vein and cut­ting off my blood supply.”

She was referred to the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute, where she was cared for by QMG Oncol­o­gist Dr. Karthik Kodu­ru and for­mer QMG Oncol­o­gist Dr. Vitor Pastorini.

I said num­ber one, we’re not going to name it because any­thing you give a name to, you have to claim and I did not want this in my body. So, we got rid of it. With the help of the doc­tors, nurs­es, and every­one we did just that. I know I wouldn’t have made it with­out them.”

McGraw’s last can­cer treat­ment was in Jan­u­ary of 2020 and she is now in remis­sion. Through­out the jour­ney, she said peo­ple would often com­ment on her pos­i­tive atti­tude. That opti­mism, she said, is what got her through the most dif­fi­cult time of her life.

You have to have a pos­i­tive atti­tude. There were days, I slept the whole day and felt awful, but I nev­er thought I wasn’t going to beat this. I just real­ized the tough treat­ments and days were all part of the cure and I was just going to take it. I kept telling myself how blessed I was that the doc­tors found the can­cer when they did.”

As a can­cer sur­vivor, McGraw said her out­look on life has changed.

My diag­no­sis changed my entire life. It changed the whole dynam­ic of my fam­i­ly. We became clos­er and we just don’t sweat the small stuff anymore.”

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