National Cancer Survivors Day: Jenny’s Story

This Sun­day, June 6, Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) wel­comes our com­mu­ni­ty to our QMG Can­cer Insti­tute from 9 to 11 a.m. to hon­or our can­cer patients and sur­vivors on Nation­al Can­cer Sur­vivors Day.

Pri­or to the event, we spoke to a cou­ple of our community’s can­cer patients and sur­vivors. Today, we hon­or Vir­ginia Jen­ny” Fox, one of our patients, who shares her sto­ry. Jen­ny is pic­tured below with her hus­band, Stephen.

I had dropped about 10 to 15 pounds, but I didn’t think much about it. Usu­al­ly, I’m on the go quite a bit, and I felt weak­er, and I knew some­thing was wrong. I had a CT scan. Dr. Raif called our house that night with the results, just to let us know.”

After the CT scan, Dr. Raif ordered a PET scan. The results showed stage 4 cancer.

The pri­ma­ry can­cer was in my lungs and it had infect­ed my liv­er, pan­creas, kid­neys, ovaries, and then a lit­tle lat­er on it was found in my brain.”

She began her care with QMG Oncol­o­gist Dr. Chris­t­ian Khoury.

He said I’m going to per­son­al­ize this treat­ment for you. They told me I could choose wher­ev­er I want­ed to go, but I want­ed to stay with Dr. Khoury. I felt very secure with him.”

Today, Jenny’s can­cer is sta­ble. She comes to the QMG Can­cer Insti­tute every three weeks for chemo once a day for five days. She usu­al­ly comes with home­made treats in hand for the doc­tors, nurs­es, and team, all of whom she calls family.

I tell them all they’re relat­ed to me whether they like it or not,” Jen­ny said with a laugh They are all so kind. They do not waiv­er, they are God’s love com­ing through to all the patients there. They’re always will­ing to lis­ten. Dr. Khoury, Dr. Raif, and every­one has gone above and beyond for me.”

Just under two years of her can­cer jour­ney, Jen­ny said the QMG team and her faith have seen her through.

I nev­er did once get scared of this diag­no­sis because of God. I final­ly real­ized the plan He had for me.”

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