Mental Health Tips: Adults

Through­out Men­tal Health Aware­ness Month, our Behav­ioral Health team is shar­ing tips to help sup­port your men­tal health. Men­tal health is the result of the steps you take and the choic­es you make every day. Here are some tips to help you take the steps and make the choic­es that are best for your emo­tion­al wellbeing.

Tips for Adults

  1. Get and stay active (doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly mean join­ing a gym).
  2. Engage in mean­ing­ful activ­i­ties (vol­un­teer, do things for oth­ers, engage in activ­i­ties that give you a sense of purpose).
  3. Eat well, feel well (what you eat impacts how you feel emo­tion­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly, pay atten­tion to how your mind and body respond to dif­fer­ent foods).
  4. Make time to relax (build it into your schedule).
  5. Pay atten­tion to how you think (neg­a­tive thoughts and dis­tort­ed think­ing con­tribute to symp­toms of anx­i­ety and depres­sion – how you think deter­mines how you feel).
  6. Stay social­ly con­nect­ed (dai­ly face-to-face inter­ac­tion with oth­ers is impor­tant for wellbeing).
  7. Make qual­i­ty sleep a pri­or­i­ty (set times to go to bed and wake up each day, min­i­mize screen time in the hours before bed).
  8. Build your skills (learn to man­age stress, set bound­aries, prob­lem solving).

To learn more about our QMG Behav­ioral Health team and ser­vices, vis­it https://​quin​cymed​group​.com/​m​e​d​i​c​a​l​-​s​e​r​v​i​c​e​s​/​b​e​h​a​v​i​o​r​a​l​-​h​e​alth/.