March is Athletic Training Month

On the bench­es of our local high school and col­lege games, among the play­ers, you’ll find an Ath­let­ic Train­er. There to pro­tect and treat our ath­letes, they quick­ly become one of the team.

From the Coach­es, Ath­let­ic Direc­tors, & Students:

Ash­ley Hack­mann is a secu­ri­ty blan­ket for our coach­es and play­ers. We know that if there is an issue we have a qual­i­fied indi­vid­ual who will jump into action. The amount of sup­port she shows our pro­grams and indi­vid­ual ath­letes is amaz­ing and appre­ci­at­ed. We wouldn’t want any­one else work­ing with our ath­letes. – Travis Cook, Ath­let­ic Direc­tor – Hamil­ton, Foot­ball Coach – West Han­cock Titans

Quin­cy High School is so for­tu­nate to have Gary Hack­mann work­ing with our ath­letes! His abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with play­ers and coach­es is tremen­dous. In the ath­let­ic are­na, it is imper­a­tive that our play­ers and coach­es work with some­one that they can trust. Gary has the trust of both at Quin­cy High School. – Scott Dou­glas, Ath­let­ic Direc­tor – Quin­cy High School

Gary Hack­man does an absolute­ly awe­some job for the Track team! He deals with the ath­letes in the most pos­i­tive and down to earth way. He reports every­thing to the Event Coach and Head Coach after each vis­it to make sure we are all on the same page. We would be lost with­out him! – Matt McClel­land, Head Track & Field/​Cross Coun­try Coach – Quin­cy High School

Gary is always a qui­et, get to work, no-non­sense kind of guy. He is great with the play­ers and coach­es. Even in our fan­ta­sy foot­ball league this year, he talked no trash (unlike every­one else!) and yet beat us all. – Rick Lit­tle, Head Foot­ball coach – Quin­cy High School 

Bri­anne Guy­mon was the per­fect ath­let­ic train­er for us at Brown Coun­ty. Her abil­i­ty to man­age so many dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties in the coach­ing staff and in our ath­letes was very spe­cial. She made a con­nec­tion with every­one and she amazed me in how she was able to remem­ber per­son­al details about so many ath­letes to help make a con­nec­tion with each per­son. Her instinct in deal­ing with each ath­lete was spot on. She was eas­i­ly able to tell which play­er would see her for every lit­tle thing but she also could rec­og­nize that ath­lete that would try to play through every­thing. She was able to deal with both of these types of play­ers to get them back into action quick­ly and safely.

From a head coach’s per­spec­tive, she became a vital part of our staff. She always had the play­ers tak­en care of before games so we nev­er had an issue of start­ing late or with­out every­one ready. Dur­ing the games, she would take care of every­thing med­ical allow­ing our coach­ing staff to main­tain focus on call­ing a game. With her knowl­edge of sports, she was able to help us get play­ers back into games quick­ly when appro­pri­ate but also knew when it was best to not rush a play­er back into action when his impact would not be needed.

As a spec­ta­tor for the oth­er sports teams we have in Brown Coun­ty I would watch Brianne’s pro­fes­sion­al­ism dur­ing games and wish all train­ers could take note. She was always focused on what was going on. She would take charge of every sit­u­a­tion and work prompt­ly to help the ath­lete return to play as quick­ly as pos­si­ble if appro­pri­ate. She took a lot of pres­sure off the coach­es and was excep­tion­al in deal­ing with the par­ents. She would make sure that the par­ents and ath­lete were com­fort­able leav­ing the game and that every­thing was explained to them. She also would give them her num­ber just in case they need­ed fur­ther expla­na­tion or if some­thing had changed.

As a spokesman for the Brown Coun­ty School Dis­trict, I would per­son­al­ly like to thank Bri­anne and Quin­cy Med­ical Group for tak­ing excep­tion­al­ly care of our student/​athletes in Brown Coun­ty. – Tom Lit­tle, Head Foot­ball Coach – Brown Coun­ty High School

I’d like to express my grat­i­tude for Gary Hack­man and his abil­i­ty to be the great­est train­er around. Gary and I have worked togeth­er for 15 plus years. I’m always amazed at how he’s able to han­dle every sit­u­a­tion when it comes to car­ing for the ath­lete and the process of recov­ery to get them back on the field. I know on many occa­sions he has gone out of his way to make time to see indi­vid­ual ath­letes when it may be incon­ve­nient and will do what is pos­si­ble to get them back on the play­ing field. I hope Gary con­tin­ues his work with QHS Ath­let­ics, the school, coach­es, and stu­dent-ath­letes. We are all thank­ful for his effort and ded­i­ca­tion. – Phil Neal­ly, Head Wrestling Coach/​Assistant Foot­ball Coach – Quin­cy High School

Bri has been won­der­ful to Brown Coun­ty ath­let­ics as a whole. She has gone out of her way many times to make sure our ath­letes let the care they need. Our coach­ing staff con­sid­ers her a Hor­net. We are all going to miss her tremen­dous­ly!! – Dave Phelps, Ath­let­ic Director/​Girls Bas­ket­ball Coach – Brown Coun­ty Hornets

Char­lye does a great job for us. I don’t real­ly have any sto­ries about her but she does a good job with our ath­letes and deal­ing with our coach­es. She is always prompt, on time and always comes with a great atti­tude. She com­mu­ni­cates very well with myself and our coach­es, let­ting us know about and fol­low­ing up on ath­letes and their progress after an injury has occurred. Char­lye also does a great job seek­ing out infor­ma­tion on resched­uled games and con­tests, which as this past win­ter has shown, can be a full­time job in itself.

I can’t ask for much more out of Char­lye. She has done a great job the past two years. – Frank Cash, Ath­let­ic Direc­tor, Uni­ty Mustangs

Gary Hack­mann brings many joys to the ath­letes when he comes out to Lib­er­ty. He always has a joke to be made or a com­ment to say, whether it’s before the game or dur­ing the game sit­ting on the bench. He is always right there to pick you up and tell you to go get 5 steals or get 6 more points. He encour­ages the team the same as oth­er peo­ple. On the injury side, any­time some­thing is wrong I know I can go to him. He will tell me what I need to do or sug­gest ice to put on. He knows what he is doing when it comes to injuries and many peo­ple trust him with what he says. I believe Gary is a great per­son to have in our com­mu­ni­ty and at our bas­ket­ball games. – Stu­dent-Ath­lete, Lib­er­ty Eagles

Charley stepped into a new school the same time I did and both of us had to replace some pret­ty suc­cess­ful and well-liked indi­vid­u­als. I don’t know if I have filled the shoes, but I am ful­ly con­fi­dent that Charley has. All of the foot­ball guys love her. I think one thing they tru­ly respect about her is she nev­er sug­ar coats things. She will always tell them when they are just hurt and they can keep push­ing through it, or if they are injured and we real­ly need to eval­u­ate a recov­ery process. That is some­thing I admire about her as well. She jokes around with the kids but always stays pro­fes­sion­al. One fun­ny thing that has hap­pened with Charley these past two years is dur­ing our games on Fri­day nights. We have a ten­den­cy to scream her name when we need her on the side­line, but we also use the word Char­lie as a play call for our no hud­dle hur­ry up offense, so the first few games, every time we would yell, Char­lie for our play for­ma­tion, Charley would come run­ning to our side think­ing a play­er was down. We now sit back and laugh about it quite often. We are extreme­ly lucky to have Charley as our train­er and for­ev­er grate­ful to the Quin­cy Med­ical Group for pro­vid­ing their ath­let­ic train­ing staff to us. – Con­ner McLaugh­lin, Foot­ball Coach – Uni­ty Mustangs

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