Man Up: A Time to Focus on Well-Being

Nave Wil­son has been attend­ing the Man Up event since its incep­tion. For him, it’s more than just an activ­i­ty; it’s a year­ly reminder to focus on his well-being. He encour­ages oth­er men to pri­or­i­tize their health as well.

Men are pri­vate by nature and to be in an envi­ron­ment with oth­er men who are try­ing to attain the same thing, I believe, will pro­pel men to make sure their life is bal­anced with good health, being sta­ble men­tal­ly and being proac­tive in mak­ing any nec­es­sary adjustments.”

Nave’s expe­ri­ence reflects this phi­los­o­phy. I have made a con­scious effort to remove salt and sug­ar from my diet, exer­cise more and make sure I get prop­er rest. The blood pres­sure screen­ing has always been one of my favorites as I do have high blood pressure.”

Beyond health, the event offers a chance for con­nec­tion. We hope you will join Nave and oth­er men in our com­mu­ni­ty on Sat­ur­day, August 24 from 10 – 12:30 p.m. for our annu­al Man Up for Health event at South Park in Quincy.

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