In the Kitchen with QMG – September

Grilled Chick­en Philly Sandwiches


  • ¾ pound skin­less, bone­less chick­en breast, cut into (1‑inch thick) strips or shredded
  • 18 tea­spoon fresh­ly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup red bell pep­per strips
  • 1 cup green bell pep­per strips
  • 1 cup ver­ti­cal­ly sliced onion
  • 1 ½ tea­spoon white wine vinegar
  • 2 gar­lic cloves, minced or jarred garlic
  • ½ tea­spoon hot sauce
  • 4 (3‑ounce) 100% Whole Wheat sub­ma­rine rolls
  • 4 (1‑ounce) slices pro­volone cheese
  • Foil


  1. Bake or grill chick­en until done
  2. Mix pep­per, vine­gar, gar­lic, and hot sauce togeth­er in a bowl to form a sauce
  3. Slice each roll in half
  4. Place rolls onto a 6inX6in piece of foil
  5. Place one slice of cheese and 1 cup chick­en mix­ture on the bot­tom half of each roll
  6. Top each roll with ½ cut pep­pers and onions
  7. Spread sauce mix­ture on the top of each roll
  8. Gen­tly press roll halves together
  9. Cov­er with foil
  10. Grill or bake (400 degrees) for 10 – 15 min­utes until cheese is melt­ed and veg­gies are tender 
Nutri­tion­al Infor­ma­tion (1 roll):

Calo­ries 167

Total Fat 3 g

Sodi­um 173 mg

Car­bo­hy­drate 12 g

Dietary Fiber 2.1 g

Pro­tein 24 g 

(Yields 4 sandwiches)

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