In The Kitchen with QMG – Baked Oatmeal

Baked Oat­meal

Dry ingre­di­ents:

  • 2 cups old fash­ion oats
  • 12 tsp bak­ing powder
  • 14 tsp bak­ing soda
  • 14 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp allspice
  • 12 tsp cinnamon

Wet ingre­di­ents:

  • 12 cups sliced fruit
  • 1 cup milk (1%, skim or plain Almond or Soy)
  • 1 cup low fat plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 eggs
  • 14 cup maple syrup or honey


  1. Pre­heat oven to 350F. Spray non­stick spray on an 8” x 8” bak­ing dish.
  2. Mix dry ingre­di­ents togeth­er then add wet ingre­di­ents and mix.
  3. Spoon into pan and cov­er with foil.
  4. Bake for 20 min­utes, remove foil, and bake for anoth­er 25 min­utes until gold­en brown.

Enjoy hot, cold, or room tem­per­a­ture. If well cov­ered, this will keep in the fridge for one week.

Nutri­tion Infor­ma­tion – 18 of a pan (Using low fat milk and yogurt)

170 calo­ries
3.6 g fat
27.6 g car­bo­hy­drates
7.1 g pro­tein
3.1 g fiber
163 mg sodium

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