In the Kitchen with QMG – August

Grilled Rata­touille


  • 2 medi­um zuc­chi­ni, cut into quarters
  • 2 yel­low squash, cut into quarters
  • 2 small egg­plants, halved lengthwise
  • 2 red bell pep­pers, quartered
  • 2 red onions, quartered
  • 1 pint cher­ry tomatoes
  • 14 cup olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbsp fine­ly chopped oregano
  • 12 cup fine­ly chopped flat leaf parsley
  • salt and pep­per to taste


  1. Pre­heat grill to medi­um-high heat. If bak­ing, pre­heat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Place all cut veg­eta­bles in a large shal­low bak­ing dish and add oil, toss to coat. Sea­son with salt and pep­per to taste.
  3. Place the veg­eta­bles on the grill (or in the oven) and cook for about 5 – 6 min­utes turn­ing halfway through the cook­ing time. Remove tomatoes.
  4. Trans­fer veg­eta­bles to a cut­ting board and coarse­ly chop (leave toma­toes whole).
  5. Place the chopped veg­eta­bles and toma­toes in a large bowl and add oregano, pars­ley. Serve at room temperature.

Nutri­tion infor­ma­tion (serves 6)
174 calo­ries
10g total fat
1g sat­u­rat­ed fat
50mg sodi­um
21g total car­bo­hy­drate
9g dietary fiber
4g pro­tein

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