Holiday Picky Eaters

Anne Zinn, Speech Lan­guage Pathol­o­gist and Feed­ing Spe­cial­ist, dis­cuss­es tips and tricks to help you nav­i­gate meal­time with picky eaters dur­ing the holidays.

Tip #1: Stay Calm

The first thing to remem­ber is to be easy on your­self and stay calm. Meal­times for picky eaters are already stress­ful and dur­ing the hol­i­days it’s even more stress­ful. Just because your child may not eat Aunt Bethany’s jel­lo mold does not mean that they are a picky eater.

Tip #2: Stick to Routines

It’s impor­tant to cre­ate a meal­time rou­tine and stick to it dur­ing the hol­i­days. Kids do bet­ter when they know what’s hap­pen­ing next and when they’ll be able to eat next.

Tip #3: Lim­it Snacks

While it may be easy to eat those Christ­mas cook­ies or graze on snack mix, try to resist the urge. Kids do bet­ter with reg­u­lar meal and snack sched­ules. They will also more than like­ly try new foods.

Tip #4: Try New Foods

Research shows that repeat­ed expo­sure helps tran­si­tion out of that picky eat­ing stage. Talk about the foods, touch them, inter­act with and smell them.

Tip #5: Include Famil­iar Foods

Always include famil­iar foods or pre­ferred foods on their plate. Also, make sure that there’s a small por­tion of new or nov­el foods to inter­act, touch, or talk about.

Tip #6: Stay Positive

Kids nat­u­ral­ly go through picky eat­ing stages, espe­cial­ly between the ages of 18 months and three years old.

If you have any ques­tions about picky eat­ing or any sort of feed­ing issues, please call your pri­ma­ry care physi­cian to get a refer­ral for a feed­ing evaluation.

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