Holiday Gift Guide

What Are Some Great Gifts For Kids? Use Our Hol­i­day Gift Guide!

Are you buy­ing gifts for kid­dos this year? Have no idea what you are doing? Want some ideas beyond those must-have toys this sea­son? Lean­na Moss, Cer­ti­fied Occu­pa­tion­al Ther­a­py Assis­tant & Ann Zinn, Speech-Lan­guage Pathol­o­gist, have some great ideas to think about while you are shop­ping. You can find some fun and educational/​developmental gifts for the kids on your list.


Puz­zles are great for prob­lem-solv­ing, visu­al dis­crim­i­na­tion, and fine motor skills. Con­sid­er your child’s age and fine motor skills you can start with puz­zles with knobs then work up to more and more pieces and even­tu­al­ly jig­saw puz­zles. Be sure to play with your chil­dren and their new puz­zle. You can help them with lan­guage skills by hav­ing them fol­low direc­tions or pair­ing visu­al pieces with sounds.


One of our favorite games here at the clin­ic is this Lit­tle Tykes 3‑D Matchup Farm game.

  • Hide ani­mals under haystacks to pro­mote visu­al memory.
  • Pro­mote fine motor skills and bilat­er­al hand skills by pulling ani­mals apart and have your chil­dren put them back together.
  • Play peek-a-boo by hid­ing ani­mals under haystacks and have your kid­dos name ani­mals and their sounds to pro­mote speech and lan­guage skills.

Some oth­er great kid-approved games are:

  • Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel
  • Can­dy Land
  • Yahtzee


Read­ing to your child is the sin­gle most impor­tant thing that you can do for them. It devel­ops vocab­u­lary, imag­i­na­tion, pre­dic­tive skills, empa­thy, and pre-lit­er­a­cy skills. Read­ing teach­es a child about the world around them and pro­vides a spe­cial one on one time with you.

Look for books that have to have lift-the-flap” pages or board pages. Both are great for fine motor skills. You can ask your child to pre­dict what’s under the flap based on the pic­ture and what you’ve read to them. Who lives in the Rain­for­est” is a great lift the flap book.

The Way I Feel,” talks about emo­tions, feel­ings and how the dif­fer­ent way your body moves might tell you about why you feel a cer­tain way.

Lla­ma, Lla­ma Red Paja­ma,” is a good book for pre-lit­er­a­cy skills with a lot of rhyming words. Rhyming helps pro­mote and devel­op those read­ing and writ­ing skills.

If your child is strug­gling with any of these skills men­tioned in this video, please give us a call at 217−222−6550 exten­sion 3418 with any questions.

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