Holiday Day Gift Guide 2021

Need Some Great Gifts Ideas For Kids? Use Our Hol­i­day Gift Guide!

QMG Phys­i­cal Ther­a­pist Sam Wil­son and QMG Speech Ther­a­pist Anne Zinn with our Pedi­atric Ther­a­py depart­ment put togeth­er their top gift ideas for chil­dren, with a major focus on pro­mot­ing fine and gross motor devel­op­ment as well as speech devel­op­ment, all while hav­ing fun!


Get Cre­ative

Get busy cre­at­ing art with dif­fer­ent medi­ums: paint, chalk, crayons, and putty!

Fine Motor Fun

  • Ele­menosqueeze Blocks
  • Mega Blocks
  • Kinet­ic Sand
  • Magna-tiles
  • Fid­get Cube
  • Pop-It
  • Learn­ing Resources hedgehog
  • Melis­sa and Doug wood­en sound puzzles
  • Stack­ing Spin­ner Rings
  • Fis­ch­er Price pig­gy bank
  • Play-Doh

Play Ball

Edu­ca­tion with a Spin

Help Out Around the House

Active Play/​Gross Motor

Secret Hide­away

Use Your Imagination

  • Cos­tumes
  • Build your own town! So many great sets with train tracks, ani­mals, and struc­tures to allow chil­dren to use their imag­i­na­tion and cre­ate new worlds each time they play!
  • Gear Con­struc­tion Sets
  • Dinosaurs or ani­mal figurines
  • Lit­tle Peo­ple Barn
  • Lit­tle Peo­ple House
  • Pota­to Head
  • Pop the Pig
  • Legos
  • Crit­ter Clinic


  • All Bet­ter Books by Usborne
  • Poke A Dot books by Melis­sa and Doug
  • There was an Old Lady who Swal­lowed a …books by Lucille Colandro

Sen­so­ry Play

  • Swings (indoor or outdoor)
  • Mini tram­po­line
  • Tun­nel
  • Wob­ble cushion
  • Squigz suc­tion cups
  • Squigz spin­ners
  • Floam
  • Kinet­ic Sand
  • Water Beads
  • Ride-on Boun­cy Donkey
  • Ther­a­py Ball


Need more ideas? Check out these help­ful websites.


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