High School Hallways to Happily Ever After

High school hall­ways don’t always lead to life­long love, but for Ryan Teheng and Beth Coop­er, Cer­ti­fied Reg­is­tered Nurse Anes­thetists (CRNA), things were meant to be. Ryan and Beth met in high school, but their love sto­ry didn’t begin until col­lege. Eleven years lat­er, in 2015, they got mar­ried, embark­ing on their lives not just as hus­band and wife, but also in the world of healthcare.

Their pro­fes­sion­al jour­ney brought them both to Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) Surgery Cen­ter, where they found more than just a work­place — they found a home away from home. Ryan shared, Although it sounds cliché, I tru­ly feel like this is a fam­i­ly. I’ve nev­er had such good rela­tion­ships through­out an entire orga­ni­za­tion. We’ve tru­ly felt wel­comed here at QMG.”

Their shared jour­ney as CRNAs has not only been incred­i­bly ful­fill­ing for their careers but has also strength­ened their bond as a cou­ple. Work­ing togeth­er has been a unique expe­ri­ence, as Ryan said, Just that I’m tru­ly thank­ful to be able to share this awe­some career with my soul­mate and part­ner in life. We had nev­er worked togeth­er pre­vi­ous­ly, but over­all, I’d say it’s been an expe­ri­ence I would rec­om­mend to everyone.”

Check out the QMG Surgery Cen­ter here.

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