Healthy Snack Options In The Workplace

When you need a snack mid-morn­ing or late after­noon, con­sid­er select­ing a snack that will help your hunger with­out harm­ing your weight. See some of our healthy snack sug­ges­tions below!

  • 1 cup raw veg­gies with 1 – 2 table­spoons of light ranch dress­ing or hummus
  • 1 medi­um apple sliced with 2 table­spoons low-fat Greek yogurt sprin­kled with cinnamon
  • ½ cup diced fresh fruit with ½ cup low-fat cot­tage cheese
  • 17 unsalt­ed pret­zels with 2 table­spoons of nat­ur­al peanut butter
  • 6 whole-wheat crack­ers with one slice of cheese
  • 1 slice whole-wheat toast with 1 table­spoon nut spread
  • 1 hard-boiled egg with 1 medi­um piece of fresh fruit
  • ¼ cup unsalt­ed nuts with 1 cup cher­ry tomatoes
  • Fruit Smooth­ie: ¾ cup non-fat Greek yogurt and ½ cup frozen fruit blended
  • Home­made Trail Mix: ¼ cup unsalt­ed nuts, 2 table­spoons dried fruit and 1 table­spoon dark choco­late chips 

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