Healthy Breakfast Parfait

Kick­off your morn­ing with this deli­cious and healthy break­fast parfait!


¾ cup low fat cot­tage cheese or yogurt

1 cup pineap­ple chunks (or any desired fruit)

2 tea­spoons granola


Place cot­tage cheese (or yogurt) in a small bowl. Top with fruit and sprin­kle with wheat germ.

Nutri­tion Information:

Per 1 par­fait (fig­ured with vanil­la yogurt)

Calo­ries 230Total Fat 1.0 g, Sodi­um 62 mg, Car­bo­hy­drates 41 g, Dietary Fiber 3.9 g, and Pro­tein 16 g

Total Fat 1.0 g Sodi­um 62 mg, Car­bo­hy­drates 41 g, Dietary Fiber 3.9 g, and Pro­tein 16 g

Sodi­um 62 mgCar­bo­hy­drates 41 g, Dietary Fiber 3.9 g, and Pro­tein 16 g

Car­bo­hy­drates 41 g Dietary Fiber 3.9 g, and Pro­tein 16 g

Dietary Fiber 3.9 g Pro­tein 16 g

Pro­tein 16 g

Recipe pro­vid­ed by Quin­cy Med­ical Group Nutri­tion Services.

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