Hall Family: Circle of Support

When you’re a new par­ent, you want a cir­cle of sup­port to help you nav­i­gate the ups and downs of rais­ing your new addi­tion. Part of that cir­cle is the per­son who will care for the health needs of your lit­tle one. Hav­ing some­one you trust is important.

The Hall fam­i­ly found that with Dr. Richard Schlep­phorst. Dustin and Alli­son wel­comed their first child in 2014 and have since wel­comed two more kids. Dr. Schlep­phorst has been there from the begin­ning for each of their three children.

Dr. Schlep­phorst is spe­cial to our fam­i­ly because he treats each of our kids unique­ly and indi­vid­u­al­ly. He is very thor­ough, and he makes sure he under­stands the entire pic­ture of each child’s health,” Alli­son said.

Not only is a con­nec­tion with par­ents impor­tant, hav­ing a con­nec­tion with kids is equal­ly impor­tant to make doctor’s vis­its a pos­i­tive experience.

Alli­son shared, He is so great with our kids. He always explains to them what he is doing, and their favorite part is when he pre­tends there is a bird in their ears when he looks in. They even talk about it in the car on the way home.”

Most impor­tant­ly, Dr. Schlep­phorst is there when they need him no mat­ter how big or small their con­cern is.

Dr. Schlep­phorst always sets aside time for any ques­tions that my hus­band or I have, and he explains things very well. He is extreme­ly patient, and he is always very wel­com­ing. I always feel heard after tak­ing any of our kids to see him.”

To learn more about the QMG Pedi­atrics team and ser­vices, vis­it https://​quin​cymed​group​.com/​m​e​d​i​c​a​l​-​s​e​r​v​i​c​e​s​/​p​e​d​i​a​t​rics/.

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