Following their Hearts

Ryan and Hope Owens are both nurse prac­ti­tion­ers at Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG). Ryan works in our Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) depart­ment and Hope works in our Car­di­ol­o­gy depart­ment. They’ve been mar­ried for 10 years, but togeth­er for 17.

When they first met, their careers were on dif­fer­ent paths. They worked at the same com­pa­ny, Hope in mar­ket­ing and Ryan in graph­ic design. Both found that their cho­sen fields were not what they saw them­selves doing the rest of their lives, so they fol­lowed their hearts.

We pur­sued careers in health­care because we found that our pre­vi­ous careers were not ful­fill­ing,” Hope shared. We decid­ed to go back to school togeth­er and we received our degrees as reg­is­tered nurs­es. After work­ing as RNs for sev­er­al years we decid­ed it was time to do more, make more of an impact, and that is what led us to our careers today as nurse practitioners.”

In 2014, Hope joined QMG and Ryan fol­lowed in 2015. It’s here that they’re able to make their mark in help­ing patients in their health journeys.

They agree that hav­ing the same career allows them to tru­ly under­stand what the oth­er experiences.

We appre­ci­ate being able to bounce ques­tions off one anoth­er or ask the oth­er their opin­ion about dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions, hav­ing a clear under­stand­ing of what the day-to-day can bring includ­ing the stres­sors and wins, and being able to com­mute and eat lunch together.”

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