First Aid Travel Kit Essentials

Sum­mer is a great time for trav­el. If you’re hit­ting the road in the com­ing weeks, make sure you’re pre­pared. What­ev­er activ­i­ty you have planned, hav­ing a trav­el first aid kit with you will help you with any sit­u­a­tion that may arise.

QMG Fam­i­ly Prac­tice Physi­cian Dr. Craig Dav­en­port shared his per­son­al list of items he includes in his first aid kit.

  • Bandaids (“Get var­i­ous sizes not for­get­ting the big ones.”)
  • Coban (“stretchy wound tape that doesn’t stick to the skin”)
  • Roll gauze
  • Antibi­ot­ic ointment
  • Hand san­i­tiz­er AND anti­sep­tic wipes
  • Water Wipes (because they don’t burn)
  • Ban­dage scis­sors (also called EMT scissors)
  • Good qual­i­ty, sharp pock­et knife
  • Tweez­ers
  • Aspirin/​Tylenol/​Ibuprofen … and benadryl chewables
  • Bot­tled water (“I get the one-gal­lon jugs and keep one in my truck and trunk of the car.”)
  • Emer­gency tourni­quet (“Com­mit to watch­ing the videos online and learn­ing how to use it.”)

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