Farmer’s Market Kids’ Activity: Icy Ocean Sensory Bin & Ice Melt


  • Plas­tic Containers
  • Food Col­or­ing
  • Eye­drop­per, squeeze bot­tle or meat baster
  • Shells
  • Ocean Sea Crea­tures or Coral Reef Sea
  • **You can use any trin­kets or theme you want if you don’t have any­thing ocean-themed.**

How To:

  1. Add your ocean theme items to the bot­tom of your con­tain­er. You will want to decide on how many lay­ers you want to cre­ate based on the items you choose.
  2. Cov­er with a lay­er of col­ored water. You can stick with the same col­ored water for each lay­er or play around with dif­fer­ent shades of blues and greens. Put the con­tain­er in the freezer.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for each con­tain­er you want to make up.
  4. Once your icy ocean is frozen, remove the frozen block from the con­tain­er and place it in a large con­tain­er. This helps con­trol the mess and turns it into a water sen­so­ry bin.
  5. Set out a bowl of warm water and a choice of tools” for melt­ing the ice. Meat baster, eye­drop­per, squeeze bot­tle, or even a squirt gun!
  6. Once your icy ocean bricks are ful­ly melt­ed, you will have an ocean sen­so­ry bin. Enjoy explor­ing! If you have scoops, pails, strain­er, or ice cube trays, you can add these for fun!

Health Topics: