Farmer’s Market Kids’ Activity: Flower Suncatchers


  • Flow­ers – past their prime
  • Green Plates
  • Self-Seal Lam­i­nat­ing Sheets

How To:

  1. Start by cut­ting out the cen­ter of the small green plate, leav­ing the cir­cle frame intact.
  2. Fold the self-seal lam­i­nat­ing sheet in half, then cut the sheet to the size of the green plate frame.
  3. Open up half of the lam­i­nat­ing sheet (unto the fold) and place flower petals on the sheet in any pat­tern you like.
  4. Press the oth­er half of the lam­i­nat­ing sheet on top of the flow­ers and press the entire area to seal well.
  5. Tape the self-seal­ing lam­i­nat­ing sheet to the back (white side) of the paper plate.

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