Registration Open for the 25th Annual Bridge the Gap to Health Race

The Quin­cy Med­ical Group (QMG) Foun­da­tion is excit­ed to announce that reg­is­tra­tion is now open for the 25th annu­al Bridge the Gap to Health Race on Sat­ur­day, May 10, 2025. Par­tic­i­pants can choose from a 5K, 10K, or half marathon.

This mile­stone year marks 25 years of bridg­ing gaps in our com­mu­ni­ty. To mark this occa­sion, a por­tion of the pro­ceeds will fund a new indus­tri­al-grade truck for Hori­zons Social Ser­vices. This essen­tial vehi­cle will enable the local soup kitchen and food pantry to effi­cient­ly res­cue sur­plus food from local stores and restau­rants and deliv­er it to those fac­ing food inse­cu­ri­ty. Addi­tion­al pro­ceeds will sup­port the QMG Foundation’s mis­sion to assist non­prof­its ded­i­cat­ed to com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment, health, and youth initiatives.

In its 25th year, Bridge the Gap is more than just a race — it’s a tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of com­ing togeth­er as a com­mu­ni­ty to sup­port one anoth­er,” said Mor­gan Park­er, Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions and Foun­da­tion at QMG. This year’s event is par­tic­u­lar­ly mean­ing­ful because the race will help Hori­zons deliv­er food, hope, and nour­ish­ment to local fam­i­lies, while also strength­en­ing vital com­mu­ni­ty pro­grams through the QMG Foundation.”

In addi­tion to the 5K, 10K, and half marathon options, the race will once again fea­ture the Paul Arndt Kids Fun Run. This fun run also includes a 100-meter Adap­tive Divi­sion for indi­vid­u­als with intel­lec­tu­al or phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ties, pro­vid­ing an inclu­sive expe­ri­ence for all.

The race­course is both scenic and unique, tak­ing par­tic­i­pants across the Bayview Bridge into Mis­souri and back into Illi­nois via Memo­r­i­al Bridge, offer­ing the chance to race in two states. This year’s route will also pass through Down­town Quin­cy, show­cas­ing Maine Street and Wash­ing­ton Park.

Reg­is­ter now and help us cel­e­brate 25 years of bridg­ing the gap for our com­mu­ni­ty! For more infor­ma­tion and to sign up, vis­it Brid​geth​e​Gap​to​Health​.com.